201 - 210

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Chapter 201

"I just had Steward Zhong boil some herbal soup, I'm going downstairs to get it," Ye Jinghuai still left.

He said something she didn't understand and left.

What does he mean by torturing him?

She sincerely wanted him to accompany her tonight.

Calling what, torture?


Ye Jinghuai really only left for a short while.

He brought the herbal soup and walked to her.

He first put the soup on the nightstand, then bent down to pick her up and prop her up against the headboard.

Only then did he pick up the soup again, scooped up a spoonful, and brought it to her warm lips, "Open your mouth." Ye Jinghuai said.

An Nuan obediently opened her mouth.

She could actually drink the medicine herself.

But she just couldn't seem to refuse Ye Jinghuai.

She just couldn't seem to refuse anything from him.

Ye Jinghuai fed a spoonful of soup into An Nuan's mouth.

After An Nuan took a sip, "So bitter." The bitterness made An Nuan's features all scrunch up.

"Good medicine tastes bitter," Ye Jinghuai said.

"But it's too bitter," An Nuan refused the second mouthful.

"Be good, I'll give you candy after you finish drinking it."

"Can you put the sugar directly in the medicine?"

"No," Ye Jinghuai refused.

An Nuan looked at Ye Jinghuai aggrievedly with her face full of grievance.

"This is a secret family remedy handed down in our family. I used to get injured a lot as a kid and drank this every time, and my body recovered very quickly," Ye Jinghuai explained.

"You used to get injured a lot as a kid?" An Nuan asked.

She was still somewhat surprised.

Ye Jinghuai was born wealthy, taken care of from childhood to adulthood, how could he get injured a lot?

"Drink the medicine first, then I'll tell you about it," Ye Jinghuai said straightforwardly, as if noticing An Nuan's doubts.

An Nuan hesitated for a moment.

Admit it.

She just really wanted to know what kind of person Ye Jinghuai was.

She gritted her teeth and nodded.

An Nuan drank down most of the bowl of bitter medicine one sip at a time.

So bitter.

She felt her entire mouth had lost all sensation.

At that moment, she suddenly saw Ye JInghuai's hand holding a White Rabbit milk candy.

Watching as Ye Jinghuai unwrapped it, he placed the candy by An Nuan's lips.

An Nuan opened her mouth, even somewhat impatiently wanting to eat the sweet candy.

But the moment she opened her mouth-

"Mm-" An Nuan's eyes widened.

She did taste the sweetness of the candy.

But what she tasted was the flavor inside his mouth.

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