341 - 350

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Chapter 341

An Nuan got off work on time.

Because she had a date with Ye Jinghuai.

Ye Jinghuai was going to leave Qing City tomorrow.

She was actually very reluctant to see him go.

Sitting in Hu Feng's car, An Nuan looked at the streets outside Qing City and murmured, "Hu Feng, will Qin Jiang go with Ye Jinghuai to Jiang City?"

"Young Master Qin?" Hu Feng was startled for a moment, then shook his head, "I haven't heard."

"Will you go?"

"No," Hu Feng gave a definite answer, "Mr. Ye only asked me to protect you. I won't go anywhere except by your side."

"Is he going alone?" An Nuan asked.

Afraid that it might be dangerous.

"Madam doesn't need to worry. If it's something Mr. Ye has thought over carefully, then he must be fully confident about it. Things that Mr. Ye does have never failed," Hu Feng spoke very highly of Ye Jinghuai.

An Nuan nodded slightly.

She actually agreed.

Not having much contact with Ye Jinghuai before, even in her previous life when they were arch enemies, her understanding of him was very one-sided. Only after truly getting to know him did she realize how powerful this man was, beyond her imagination.

The car stopped at the villa.

The moment she got out of the car, An Nuan's heart skipped a beat inexplicably.

Clearly they met every day, but at this moment, thinking of seeing Ye Jinghuai made her nervous.

She took a deep breath and walked into the villa lobby.

Going in, she didn't see Ye Jinghuai.

An Nuan's brows furrowed slightly.

Seeing An Nuan come home so early, Zhong Shu was also a little surprised. He hurried up and asked, "Madam got off work so early today?"

"Hasn't Ye Jinghuai come back yet?" An Nuan asked.

"The young master hasn't come back yet," Zhong Shu answered quickly.

An Nuan looked at the time on her watch.

Thinking that Ye Jinghuai got off work half an hour later than her, she didn't feel too emotional.

She put down her bag and sat in the living room waiting for Ye Jinghuai, watching TV dramas while waiting.

She had watched two episodes of the drama.

An Nuan looked outside at the darkening sky.

In principle, getting off work at 6 o'clock, even if caught in rush hour traffic jams, it was already 7 o'clock, he should have come back by now!

But Ye Jinghuai still hadn't returned home?!

She gritted her teeth, still not calling Ye Jinghuai, choosing to keep waiting instead.

Another hour passed.

An Nuan was really getting irritable.

So this was what Ye Jinghuai meant by no more social obligations.

No more social obligations, yet still not home by 8 o'clock at night?!

That liar Ye Jinghuai!

An Nuan got up angrily from the sofa, grabbed her bag and wanted to go upstairs, too angry to even eat dinner.

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