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Chapter 71

An Nuan eventually did not go to correct Ye Jinghuai's understanding.

Perhaps in Ye Jinghuai's mind, ex-girlfriends should just play with emotions, with Ye Jinghuai's personality, the ones who could make him have real feelings should be few, after all since young he's been surrounded by flowers, and received so much favor from women, seeing too many women of course it's normal to not fall for anyone.

She just idled away like this in the Ye family for an afternoon.

It wasn't until dinner time that Ye Jinghuai came back.

Ye Jingjing still did not come downstairs to eat.

The servant said Ye Jingjing's hand was swollen badly, making it inconvenient to hold chopsticks, afraid it would affect everyone during meals, so in the end food was still sent up to him.

After dinner.

The Ye family ate fruit in the living room after the meal, and chatted for a while.

Then in twos and threes, everyone returned to their rooms.

The Ye family didn't have much entertainment.


Other than Ye Jinghuai, Ye Jingchen and Ye Jingxuan all lived in the Ye family villa.

Ye Jinghuai didn't get along well with his parents after all?

In fact.

She could clearly see that the Ye couple actually quite doted on Ye Jinghuai.

She couldn't figure it out, and An Nuan didn't want to figure it out either.

Because right now, the focus was she had to face the things she couldn't avoid after getting married – sleeping together.

An Nuan followed Ye Jinghuai back to his room.

There was only one big bed.

Only one blanket.


How should she and Ye Jinghuai sleep tonight?!

She just stared at the big bed, standing there thinking about it for a long time.

"Is Miss An tired? Staring at my bed without even blinking." Ye Jinghuai's mouth pulled into a meaningful smile.

Every time his smile was very...meaningful.

An Nuan mustered her courage and said, "How do we sleep tonight?"

"How does Miss An want to sleep with me?" Ye Jinghuai's words were clearly deliberately provocative.

An Nuan kept her cool, "I'll sleep on the couch."

"Is Miss An sure?"

"Mm." An Nuan replied decisively.

In Ye Jinghuai's home, she was also too embarrassed to ask Ye Jinghuai to sleep on the couch.

And Ye Jinghuai was tall and big, she didn't know how cramped he would be sleeping on the couch.

Although she would probably not be very comfortable sleeping on it either.

In short.

She wasn't so overbearing as to force Ye Jinghuai to make any sacrifices for her.

"I have to remind Miss An, there is no second blanket. If you ask the servants for one, you also know the servants are hired by my parents. Any news would be passed to my parents' ears first. Once they know we need two blankets, plus our rushed marriage, it's very easy for them to suspect this is a sham marriage."

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