321 - 330

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Chapter 321

Ideals are plentiful, but reality is harsh.

When Qin Jiang was grumbling and venting Ye Jinghuai's anger towards An Nuan, Ye Jinghuai rudely grabbed the towel from his hand and then eagerly and gently helped An Nuan dry her hair.

Damn. The difference in treatment is too obvious.

He was still waiting for the two of them to have a big fight!

In the back seat of the car.

An Nuan's eyes were fixed tightly on Ye Jinghuai. It was obvious that Ye Jinghuai was very angry at this moment, yet he did not vent any anger towards her at all. She even felt that he was enduring so much that he was internally injured.

The corner of her mouth smiled slightly.

It was to force herself to smile after experiencing excessive panic.

And the smile at the corner of her mouth obviously made Ye Jinghuai's eyebrows tremble.

"What are you laughing at?" Ye Jinghuai asked.

He really couldn't keep silent with An Nuan anymore.

"I laugh when I'm happy." An Nuan answered honestly.

"You can still be happy at a time like this? If I was a few minutes later, you know you'd be meeting the King of Hell now!" Ye Jinghuai said gloomily.

Thinking back to the scene just now, he couldn't help but feel somewhat frightened afterwards.

An Nuan obediently nodded her head, "Next time I will definitely be careful."

"There won't be a next time. From now on, don't follow me to such dangerous places. In the future, once there is danger around me, stay away from me!" Ye Jinghuai ordered.

His tone was domineering, leaving no room for dissent.

"You think I can just stand by and do nothing if I know you're in danger?" An Nuan asked him, asking him seriously.

"I'm not asking for your opinion."

"When the person you love deeply is in danger, can you just stand by and do nothing?" An Nuan repeated the question to him.

"I said I'm not asking for..." Ye Jinghuai was completely stunned.

It seemed that he had noticed something.

He just looked at An Nuan closely, staring at her tightly.

It was as if he didn't believe what she had said.

And also as if he was uncertain.

The two of them looked into each other's eyes.

An Nuan said, "Ye Jinghuai, I love you."

Ye Jinghuai's heart was obviously accelerating.

It was beating fast.

An Nuan vaguely felt that she could even see clearly with the naked eye, the frequency of his heart rate in his chest.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Qin Jiang heard An Nuan's confession, and the corners of his mouth showed disdain.

These two, they're so cheesy.

But in his heart.

He somehow felt reassured.

It was rare that Jinghuai could like a woman, and it was also rare that this woman also liked Jinghuai.

"When I knew you might be in danger, I actually hesitated about whether I should come looking for you or not. I also guessed that there would definitely be danger, but in the end, I still came, recklessly." An Nuan said sincerely to Ye Jinghuai, "Ye Jinghuai, I'm not being impulsive, I just want to come and verify how much I love you."

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