Closure (pt.10)

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I was pacing in the parlor wondering if it was my fault. Did I say the wrong thing to Lucifer? What if he never talks to me again? I need to stop thinking about this and focus on something else.

Just then Alastor walked in and noticed my frantic pacing. "Whats the matter my dear" he said with his usual static voice. "Nothing just thinking, did you need me?" I asked looking over at him.

"Oh no my dear not now. Just trying to figure out whats got your mind so bewildered." He said sitting on the couch still watching me walk back at fourth.

"Look Lucifer is confused or something like that and I can't help but think it might be my fault is all." I said as charlie walked in the room. "Y/n... will you come with me and Vaggie... to Heaven?" She asked me hesitantly.

"What?!" I said turning to look at her. "Charlie, I cant" i said looking down crossing my arms. She walked over to me and put her hands on my shoulders "please, I need your help to convince Heaven." "I don't think i should, I could make things worse" I said as she gave me very pleading eyes.

"Please y/n" she said "I- fine" I said with a sigh. She started to jump and came to give me a hug. "But don't blame me for anything" I said as she nodded and went to go pack.

"Looks like you've got your distraction" Alastor said walking past me. "I guess so" I went upstairs and started to pack my bags. I looked over at my phone and decided to call Lucifer just to get some closure or something.

"Come on please pick up" I said as the ringing continued "hello?" I heard from his soft warm voice. "Luci? Hey, I just wanted to see how you were doing. Im going with Charlie and Vaggie to Heaven and I was thinking when I get back we could meet up" I said as I stopped to catch my breath.

"Oh, sure y/n. Look I just wanted to say Im sorry for how I behaved. We can meet up whenever you are free." He said with some joy in his voice. "Ok Ill see you then" I giggled. "Good luck" he said as he hung up.

"Oh boy" I said as I walked downstairs with my bags. "Hey y/n, this is angels friend Cherry bomb." "Hey" I said with a wave as Charlie continued to talk with cherry. "Ok the portal to heaven should be opening any second now" she said walking over to Vaggie as a portal in the middle of the room formed.

"Ha there, bye guys we will be back soon." She said as we all went through.

Fallen Angels || Lucifer x fem reader (no Lilith)Where stories live. Discover now