Lost things (pt. 18)

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I was outside trying to teach Charlie how to fight and while I was doing that, Lucifer was panicking his head off. "Careful sweetie" "watch out" "dont hurt her" and more.

I opened my wings few up and swooped down and kicked Charlie in the back making her fall to the floor. I walked over to her and helped her up. "I said be careful." Lucifer said looking kinda angry.

"Dad please" Charlie snapped at him. "I can do this just go inside" he looked kinda hurt but went inside anyways. "You know love, hes just worried about you. You are his world and he would hate to lose you." I said and we hugged.

"Here try this instead" I said showing her how to dodge attacks and hit them where it hurts. We tried again. I flew up, swooped down and right as I was about to kick she ducted down and kicked me to the ground and pointed my spear at my own neck.

"Much better." I said as she helped me up and gave me my spear back. "I think you are ready. But just to satisfy your father, one more time." I said as we did it again but switched it up a bit.

"Ok lets try this. I want you to be able to get in touch with your powers more." I said as we worked on that.


I went inside and up to my room and found Lucifer laying in bed with some tears in his eyes. "Hey baby are you ok?" I asked him ad he looked to me. "Im just trying so hard and I think Im trying to hard. Im just so scared I might lose you both. Yall are all I have." He said.

I walked over and sat on the bed next to him. I put his hands in mine and wiped his tears. "Hey baby, its gonna be ok, i know this because I know we aren't going to let anything happen to Charlie. I will be ok."

"But what if your not?" He questioned "then I will survive for you and our daughter." I said kissing his head. "I wont leave yall again" I layed next to him and he grabbed me and pulled me closer to him.

"We just have to kick angel ass in two days." I said combing my fingers through hie hair. "We are gonna fuck them" he said all confidently. Who was I to destroy his confidence. "Sure baby" I chucked.


I went downstairs with a box in my hand. Lucifer kept this box because why wouldn't he. I walked downstairs and found Charlie and her friends. "Here sweet. I want you to have this." I said as I gave her the box. It had some apples on it and a little lock with a key.

Lucifer had this box specially made so nothing could break it. I gave it to her and I handed her the key. "Take good care. For these are memories that shouldn't be forgotten." I said as she took the key and stared at the box.

"Are you sure?" She asked as I sat next to her and nodded. She slid the key in and turned it. It unlocked and what was inside was something that no one could replace. Photos.

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