Gypsy (pt 21)

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I was trying so hard to get out of this shit hole but everytime I tried to use my magic to get out it just shot right back at me. "You should really stop doing that, I cant have my merchandise getting hurt just yet." The Imp said as green chains came down and held me down.

"What do you want from me. You wont survive this if you kill me." I said as he kneeled down and lifted my chin up. "Oh Im counting on it." He chuckled. "You see if your little boy toy harms me, he will die too." He said as I gasped.

"There is only one person that can kill me without any consequences, but he will never fine them. Even if he did, she would never help him." He said getting up and walking away.

"You're wrong. You will be defeated and I will get out of here." I glared at him as he just chuckled while walking out. "Sure sweetheart." Then the door closed. I looked around and saw a small man running to me. It was Luci and he had someone with him, another Imp. "Luci omg how did you find me?" "I had help from this Imp Blitzo." He said "the O is silent actually your majesty." He said as he started to loosen my chains.

"Im going to kill this bit-" "Luci wait, you cant hurt him because it will hurt you. He mentioned that there was only one person that could hurt him. But he said she wouldn't help you." "Oh I know exactly who he is talking about, shes one of Millies old friends." Blitz said as he stopped. "Ok well yall need to go try, she is our only hope. These chains wont break without her." I said as Luci came up to me "ok but be safe please. I love you." He said lifting up my chin and giving me a kiss.

"You too." I said as they both left to go find this girl. I hope she helps.

Luci pov

I was surrounded by these little Imps as they were all arguing about going to see this girl that could help me get my love back. "ENOUGH!" I shouted as they all went silent. "I don't care if yall come or not I need her back she is the only thing other then my daughter that I care about. So are you gonna help me or not Mrs Millie?" I got on my knee and held her hand. "Please help me save my wife" I said with tears in my eyes. "Okay, Ill talk to her." She said as I instantly teleported us to the farm she mentioned earlier.

" She said as I instantly teleported us to the farm she mentioned earlier

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(My art)
"Okay a warning would have been nice." Moxxie said. "Millie? Is that you? You've got some nerve to show your face around here after what you did." A gurl said. " hello Gypsy, its a pleasure to see you too." Millie said as the two girls looked at each other like they were gonna kill each other. Then the launched for each other but instead of fighting they hugged and laughed. "How have you been you city girl?" Gypsy asked as Millie replied to her and they caught up a bit.

"Listen Gyps we need your help. Your ex has the queen of hell captive and we think you are the only one that can hurt him." Millie explained to her. "Why would you think that?" "Well its clear he isn't over you and he knows you wouldn't step foot near him so why not make you the only person that can save the queen?" Moxxie said. "Ok I could help you but what do I get out of it?" Gypsy asked. "You get to live." I said as she shook her head "ok that works." She said.

We made a plan and headed back for my wife.

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