Final Battel (pt 23)

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(My art)We were flying as fast as we could to get to Charlie

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(My art)
We were flying as fast as we could to get to Charlie. We were already in the pride ring, it was just a matter of getting to her, we could see the battle already happening but not only that we saw Adam choking the life out of my little girl "NOOOO!" I shouted as I flew as fast as I could. Luci punched him in the face breaking his mask as I caught our daughter.

"Im here baby." I said as we placed her down and I hugged her. "I thought yall wouldn't make it." She said "ok seriously how many- y/n? Why are you here? Baby you here to come home?" Adam said as lucifer looked at me. "Dont look at me like that you know father forced me and I had my memories erased" I said pointing a finger at Lucifer as he nodded in a defeated way.

"Ok well how many of yall do I have to fight" Adam said angrily. "Oh we are the only ones that matter see you fucked with our daughter and now we are going to fuck you." Luci said as I shook my head and face palmed. "Its fuck you up, dad" Charlie whispered to him. "Wait what did I say?" He looked at her. Adam lunged at him as I got in front of Luci and punched Adam in the face as me and lucifer turned into different animals to fuck with him.

"So this is what you have been doing since Eden?" Luci questioned "you really let yourself go" I said as Adam got more enraged. "Oh you judging me you are the most hated being in all of creation and you are a lying slut that cheated on her husband." He said as I stopped just listened "well your first wife didn't seem to hate what I had to offer, or the second. Not even the third." Luci said with a little tune and hip movements. "Ill fucking end you." Adam said as I went back to Charlie. "Mom whats wrong?" She asked me.

"Nothing sweetheart your father has some unfinished business with him." I said "wait wheres Vaggie?" I asked as we both saw Lute attacking her. Charlie went to go help but I saw Adam about to shoot his beam "CHARLIE WAIT!" I shouted as I flew over to her but she was already falling. I went to get her but Adam had grabbed me and threw me out of the way. "CHARLIE!" I yelled knowing I now couldn't get to her in time.

Just then I saw Luci carrying her in his arms "thank father." I said with a sign before I saw Adam diving for them "dad look out" charlie shouted as I got up to fly over and help but Charlie used her power to stop his punch and as he was confused I swung my arm around his neck and kicked him over me making him slam to the ground on his back. "You could at my husband and my daughter!" "Dont forget you're in our house now bitch." Lucifer said as he placed Charlie down and we both beat the shit out of Adam.

"Dad! Mom! Hes had enough." Charlie said making us stop. I whispered in his ear "I never loved you." I said as I backed up offering mercy. "You dont get to end this. Im Adam, Im the fucking man. You're all just like some fucking clowns or something." He said as we just stared at him. "You all should be worshiping me. You are all just a bunch of... fucking...losers" he said before a knife came straight through his torso.

"Woahhhh." I said as me and Vaggie were making the same face. Just then he fell and we saw... Niffty holding her little knife looking at us. She then stabbed him repeatedly while repeating "stab" "she is such a sweetheart" I said walking over to her when she was done to pick her up. She just sat on my shoulders playing with my hair.

"Im so sorry I let you guys down." Charlie started "hey hey hey sweetie it isn't your fault. You did what you thought was right. You followed your heart now what is so wrong about that?" I said as she just wiped away her tears and her father started to sing to her like he used to when she would fuss as a baby.

"The show it must go on" he sang as the rest of her friends joined in and we all started to rebuild the hotel but bigger and better.

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