End (pt. 30)

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Y/n pov

After everything had happened I knew Heaven didn't need me anymore and it had been a few months with no response. I was finally free. I also had told everyone about the baby and they took it every well as of right now I am 3 months pregnant. I was walking when Luci grabbed me and looked deep into my eyes.

What I thought was adorable every time he did this, he had to fly a bit to be level with me

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What I thought was adorable every time he did this, he had to fly a bit to be level with me. I was shocked at first but I put my hand on the back of his head I chuckled as he kissed me. "Ive missed you so much" he said putting his forehead on mine. "We have been together all day everyday for months baby." I said as he shook his head "no, thats not enough. I miss you every second of every day that I cant look into those beautiful eyes or breath in your beautiful smell, or see that beautiful smile, or hear that beautiful voice." He said leaving me speechless.

He kissed me again and I knew this was all I wanted in my eternal life. "You are such a sap. I love you so much mi amor." I chuckled again as he placed me back on my feet.

Time skip

I had my baby and we named her Mary short for Marybeth. (Blakes song) We were all very happy and while Heaven was still upset there was nothing they could do now so they let it go. Luci was the best dad even though his depression kept him from Charlie and me we were all together and Luci and I got another chance.

Charlie would take Mary every now and then to the Hotel and she absolutely loved all of them. Angel was her favorite and he was so sweet to her. We even found them fast asleep.

 We even found them fast asleep

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They were so peaceful and calm. Matching no less. It reminds me of when Bee came over and Angel and Bee took me shopping to buy some outfits for me and Luci's date night. But the outfits that they got they wanted to match with me for girl reasons.

Bee's outfit had me in a mushroom type sweater and a matching dress along with and L chain on my thigh

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Bee's outfit had me in a mushroom type sweater and a matching dress along with and L chain on my thigh. Her dress was different but same. She also had a V chain.

Luci ultimately loved Angels option and so that is what I went with but me and Bee went on a girls day and wore those outfits

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Luci ultimately loved Angels option and so that is what I went with but me and Bee went on a girls day and wore those outfits.

I do miss these little moments that have happened and it makes me look at how far I have come.

I love my family so much. I couldn't ask for anything more.

Thank you all for reading this
I love how this make out
Thank you for baring with me.
I hope yall love my visuals and remember
Everything about my oc is customizable to fit how you want to imagine yourself. Sometimes people don't feel happy with how that look and they imagine themselves in books differently. You are beautiful they way you are and dont ever change for anyone. I made my oc for this story to best fit Charlie seeing as how y/n is her mom. I also took some inspo from lillith. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this story and I will see yall in the next one.
Speaking of the next one, what do yall want to see.
I think ima do a HH oneshots with requests. Do you want that?

Fallen Angels || Lucifer x fem reader (no Lilith)Where stories live. Discover now