Coronation (pt 25)

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Today was the day.

My day.

The day of my coronation. You would think I wouldn't be so nervous because I have done this before but that a millennia ago. That was before I was pregnant with Charlie.

"Hey mom." Charlie said walking in with a beautiful dress and Vaggie walked in right behind her also in a stunning dress. "How are my little ones" I said coming up to them putting one hand on both of their shoulders. "We are good are you?" Charlie asked me. "I will be fine don't worry about me." I said as they both hugged me and walked out to go take their seats.

"Here goes nothing"

So some things that have happened is Valentino has recovered and I talked to Charlie about almost killing someone because I wanted her to know I stopped because of her. I knew she wouldn't want that so I left him alive. Lucifer has been doing a lot better and we even thought about another life changing decision. However, Lucifer recently brought it up to my attention that Father had said if I came back he would hurt our family. We haven't seen or heard anything yet but we are still on edge. My eyes also officially changed colors so I think that means father accepted my fall. I also grew my hair back out.

I walked to my spot and waited for them to announce me. Lucifer said my name which was the cue for people to stand and the doors to open. I walked down and Im not gonna lie it felt like I was getting married.

I got to the end and kneeled a bit so Lucifer could crown me. "By the power invested in me I here by announce you the new official Queen of Hell. He said as I stood and faced our friends and family and the other demons that came to see it. Ozzy was yelling the loudest with Fizz on his shoulder. I turned and sat on my thrown.

(My art)Afterwords at the small after party I was talking to my friends when someone familiar burst through the door unannounced

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(My art)
Afterwords at the small after party I was talking to my friends when someone familiar burst through the door unannounced. "Gabriel? What are you doing here?" I asked as Lucifer stood by my side. "Well you didn't think I would miss my sister's coronation did you?" He asked walking over to us. "Hello brother" Gabe said to Lucifer. "Don't call me that." Lucifer said angrily.

"Welp Im only here to tell yall that Father is very upset with yall and he wants you to come home y/n. You are needed and if you dont come home a war is yet to come." Gabe said as he took a cookie and walked away. "You have 3 days to make your choice sis." He said as he flew out.

Well I knew this was gonna happen but no matter what happens this time...

I will stay with my family

I will remember

I wont forget

Not this time.

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