Magician, Cat, Penguin, Reporting For Duty! Sir!

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Lying to Hawks was too easy, the hero only gave them a thumbs up emoji when they texted him. Saying that they were going to sleepover at a new friends house.

Lyney had decided to stop questioning Hawks choices after he decided to adopt three teenagers he didn't know anything about.

It was great for them anyway, now they could work without issue. But they couldn't do it in their UA uniform. Lyney brought them to an alley, kicking a closed door open before beckoning his siblings inside.

Fremient took a deep breath and entered, replaying their last text conversation with Hawks. He couldn't help but feel that, they should tell him the truth.

Lyney took his hat out, pulling out a circular shower head out of it. He placed it on a falling pipe in the wall before pointing at it. Lynette gladly went inside to change.

"Are you mad that we lied to him?"

Freminet glanced at his brother, seeing him start to pull the green blazer off, folding it neatly before dropping it inside his open bag.

"... Not really, I know we can't tell him."

"Then why do you look so sad?"

Freminet lowered his gaze to untie the red tie of his uniform.

"I'm not..."

Yes, he hoped they wouldn't be lying to Hawks. Since he treated them well, he didn't want to betray his trust in them.

"Fremi, you need to realize what's important. Hawks, someone we don't know, or 'father'. Who's waiting for us back home. Who do you choose?"

His silence made Lyney frown.

"Fremi, don't tell me you're actually considering it?"

"No, it's not that. I was just, thinking."

Lyney sighed once more, making Freminet rub his fingers agaisnt the soft fabric of his tie.

"You're too nice and caring. Hawks doesn't care about us. We're just some tools he can use before discarding. When we leave..."

Lyney paused, saying the words with a downcast gaze.

"He won't care. Start memorizing that, so it hurts less when we leave."


Freminet hummed as a response. Staying quiet as they exchange their uniforms for black suits. What Overhaul gave them to wear along with it were three bird masks.

Surprisingly enough, their bird mask were different colors. Lyneys was red, Lynette had a dark teal and Freminet had a deep blue. All of their mask had the edges and decorative nose holes in a pale silver to match their white dress shirts hidden under their suits.

All in all, Overhaul seemed to care greatly about appearances.

Freminet was still quiet, only nodding when Lynette showed him a questioning thumbs up. She quickly went to Lyney, making Freminet hurry to grab her arm, shaking his head when she turned to him.

"I'm fine, just thinking so please. Don't fight."

Lynette took his hand.

"I'm not going to fight, we're going to talk."

"Don't, please Lynette. I can deal with this."

His gaze was enough to make her back down.


He sighed in relief before letting go, following her to meet up with Lyney outside the alley. He glanced at them before walking forward, expecting them to follow. Surprisingly, Lynette was the first to start a conversation.

Lyney, Lynette and Freminet in My hero academia Where stories live. Discover now