Disaster Struck

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Magician was a fairly new, and neutral villain. For months they had build connections and worked for whoever payed the most. With little regard for the consequences.

At least, that's what Dabi had first thought. But after receiving the information Giran had gathered, he realized there was more to this 'neutral' villain.

Most of their jobs were information gathering and selling to the highest bidder, they gathered info on corrupt politicians, heroes, hidden predators and even villains. They didn't work with anyone other than Giran and the league, their personal life was unknown and other than a younger sibling, Giran couldn't give him anymore information.

Siblings, huh? Dabi placed the folder with the information above his finger, and used his flames to slowly burn it. Watching his blue flames obey his order, something they wouldn't have done back then.

"Oh wow."

Dabi glanced at the new person beside him. Their smile reminded him of a certain bird, purple eyes hidden behind a black mask, and their greeting that involved a short bow and hat tilt. No doubt, Magician had come to greet him.

"Your fire is most splendid, do you often get lost in its color?"

The second line was something Giran had only told Dabi, and Magician. It was a greeting that ensured they were talking to the right person.


Dabis response told Lyney this was Dabi, Lyney took a seat beside the villain in the bar. He ordered a drink and waited quietly for it to arrive. The bartender slid the wine and quickly left, allowing their conversation to finally start.

Dabi grabbed his whiskey and placed the rim agaisnt his lips.

"So? What do you want from me?"

Lyney smiled at him.

"It's quite simple-"

Well, It was meant to be simple. He would simply have a conversation with Dabi, say he likes Stain, hates the bird hero that arrested him, and tell him how the league wanted to kill off every hero in society.

In retrospect, killing heroes is quiet old and something every villain wants. It's not unique enough for Dabi to even consider it. But something the Magician said did catch his attention.

"One of our members is after Endeavor."

Dabi chuckled before placing his empty glass on the bar counter.

"Listen, kid. If anyone is killing that old geezer..."

His blue eyes narrowed as he looked at him.

"It'll be me. Got that?"

"I see, getting rid of All Might first could help. Endeavor would recieve a promotion, his hero work would double, he would be exhausted."

Dabi chuckled, but rolled his eye at the attempt. He wasn't interesting in kicking that old man when he was done. No. What he wanted, was a much more... Public, execution.

Lyney realized Dabi wasn't interested, so he let the matter go. Drinking his cup of juice in silence as Dabi had his drink filled once more.

"Since your reclutment is done, there's no reason for you to be here."

Lyney sighed.

"Sadly, I lied to my older brother about where I would be. If I go back home now, he'll ground me."

They turned to a table in the near corner after hearing a glass shatter. The person there groaned before their friend, with a much larger shape and build watched them. Both of those people seem, familiar to Lyney. He squinted his eyes with hopes of recognizing them.

Lyney, Lynette and Freminet in My hero academia Where stories live. Discover now