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The next school day after the USJ, the Takami siblings were abscend. With the mission over, none of them wanted to leave Lyney alone in Hawks' apartment. Lyney was sure they were simply worried he'll do something stupid and injure his arm more, and not because they were worried he'd leave to earn some cash instead of resting.

He's sure....

But he wasn't sure why Hawks also stayed behind instead of working. The excuse he gave Lyney when asked?

"Endeavor decided to pick up some of my shifts. Hmm? The reason? No idea."

Hawks scoffed and sipped his energy drink.

"Maybe he grew a conscious."

Lyney raised a brow at his words, silently staring at the hero. Hawks simply smiled back, no hint of nervousness or malice in his smile, just a calm, and patient one.

Well, Hawks wasn't the only one hiding secrets. Lyney turned on his heel, and marched to the couch where Lynette was. Plopping down between her and Fremi while they looked for a movie to watch. His sister aimlessly scrolled through a selection of comedy films, and failed to find anything interesting.

Normally, they wouldn't be in the living room if Hawks was at home. But after Hawks made that family promise, he proposed their first hangout. A movie at home with popcorn and snacks.

When Lyney heard this, his first thought was 'our diet...' But one look at Lynette made him give up on the idea. Screw it, the diet wasn't being useful at the moment anyway. Their performances had dwindled ever since arriving here, and so had their missions. They might as well indulge for today.

Hawks voice came from the kitchen, the several 'pops' from the microwave didn't overpower his words.

"Find anything?"

"No, there's nothing interesting-"

Lynette stopped scrolling at a movie, one that made Lyney's words stop in their tracks. She had stopped looking through comedy, and went to horror out of boredom, that's when they saw a movie with the following description.

'Victims speak out about the house of heart, an orphanage funded and ruled by super villain, All For One. In this chilling tale, every secret is exposed as we venture into the mind of Japan's most fearsome villain.'

Hawks walked to them, while carrying three buckets of popcorn. He looked at the TV, and hummed while handing the buckets over.

"Did that interest you three?"

Lyney grabbed the bucket and looked at Freminet, his little brother stopped looking at his phone to grab the bucket, and went right back its screen.

"Any snacks you guys want in specific?"

Lynette nodded and went to the kitchen with Hawks, while Lyney leaned a bit closer to Fremi and silently glanced over his shoulder. Seeing his phone screen, which displayed a- Chatbox!?

With who!? Lyney narrowed his eyes, and read the name above the chat. 'Izuku' it read. Izuku. Izuku!? Lyney waved Lynette over, making the girl inhale the pastry Hawks gave her before she walked back to the couch and sat beside him.

He leaned closer and murmured.

"Fremi, Izuku."

Lynette hummed and looked at him. Her gaze pierced through him, making Lyney frown.

"Don't you get it? He's talking to Izuku!"


"The boy's dangerous. And Fremi is too kind to realize it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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