°Not Enough, Another Show Is Needed°

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Hawks bit onto his chicken leg while nodding. He swallowed before repeating what Lyney just told him.

"So, you and Lynette are twins. You roamed the streets after your parents died, found Freminet and have been together ever since. You found a street magician to teach you, that also happened to be a villain. He made you three work for him, and that's how you acquired the skills you want me to hire you for?"

Lyney nodded with a grin.

"That's right. We're in a tight spot and would rather avoid more unnecessary trouble with the law. We hoped you could help us."

Hawks gave a slow nod before leaning back, using his hand to support his upper body. He observed Lynette and Freminet, they were behind Lyney with their heads lowered. Most likely waiting for instructions, or to hide their expressions from him.

"I'm guessing, you three do in fact. Have quirks?"

Lyney laughed nervously while scratching his head.

"Yes, apologies monsieur. We didn't want any trouble."

Hawks smiled and waved off any concerns. Now, he had done a background search on each of them. Only to find absolutely nothing, no birth records, camera sightings, there's nothing. That only made Hawks more interested in them, not to mention: A lack of information is perfect for undercover missions. Exactly what he needs right now.

"Now, as for your quirks..."

Lyney explained their quirks to him, remembering the story the three of them had come up with this very morning in the hotel.

"Now, we need quirk identities. Being quirkless here will only work a handful of times."

Freminet nodded before glancing at his cryo vision.

"We only have our visions, shouldn't that be our quirks?"

Lyney smiled and ruffled Freminets head in praise. Making his younger brother blush and place his helmet on to stop him. Lyney chuckled and nodded.

"Yes, our visions could work for me and Lynette, but with the way you use it Fremi... It could be hard."

Unlike the twins, Freminet only used his vision with his claymore. That's the way he was trained, and having to learn another way to use it will take too long.

Lyney summoned his bow, gaining Freminets attention.

"Technically, we would have two quirks. The ability to summon our weapons, and our visions. Lynette and I can use our visions as quirks, and Fremi can summon his weapon and label it a quirk."

Fremi fought with physical attacks anyway, he had little use for his vision unless he was in danger. Freminet nodded at the explanation, he summoned his claymore out. Lyney snapped his fingers with a smile.

"There you go! This should work."

Lyney pointed at himself before explaining to Hawks.

"I can manipulate fire, Lynette does the same but with wind, and Fremi can summon a claymore from the iron in his blood."

That last piece of information was added to ease some of Hawks suspicions. It seemed to do the trick, but the hero pointed at Lynette. Specifically, her ears.

"Lynette over there, are her ears real?"

She clenched her hands at the mention of them. Once again, her ears are being a bother in Lyneys plans....

Lyney nodded.

"It was our mothers quirk, a girl cat. You could say, she inherited it along with our fathers quirk."

Lyney, Lynette and Freminet in My hero academia Where stories live. Discover now