°Gain The Mission, Annoy The Boss°

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It's been two weeks since the practical exam. During that time, their life has been quite peaceful. Hawks would leave them a small menu on the fridge for them to make for dinner along with the ingredients. They had the whole house to themselves, so of course, Lyney resumed their exercise and training routine.

Hawks even gave them the key to his gym, a large section of this building that only belonged to him. And in his words, it now also belonged to them.

How much money did he have? With his apartment alone, how many meals could they buy for the children back home?

Even with that bitter realization, they often used the gym. Even now, Lyney and Lynette were training in seld defense while Fremi swung his claymore with all his strength towards a dummy. But before his sword could pierced it, he would switch his weapon out and make it reappear after the slash would've been made.

And of course, a small chicken happily watched them while eating seeds.


Lynette easily trapped Lyney's arm and swung him down, his back slamming on the gym floor as her move caught him by surpise.

Just in case, he had been extra strick with her defense abilities. She could handle herself, he knew that well. But still, training didn't do her any harm. He rubbed his head while she moved back, ready for another round.

She watched Lyney groan before slowly standing up.

"I'm starting to regret this..."

When he took his stance, she immediately lunged to attack. Freminet wiped the sweat off his brow while Lyney almost succeded in defeating her. But as always, he was the one on the ground in defeat.


At hearing his name, Freminet turned to Lyney, seeing his brother reaching for him with a pleaful expresion. Without another word, Freminet went to spare with Lynette, giving Lyney the chance to escape and run out the gym.

He chuckled while getting the mail, since Hawks had a private mailbox on the elevator along with the other, top four heroes, the professional mail wasn't bombarded with fan mail. Lyney used the golden key Hawks gave him and opened the small, golden locker that had Keigos hero name in bold letters.

Inside were three letters with UAs stamp. Lyney grabbed them with a smile before happily walking towards the gym once more. Using the letters as a fan while he arrived.

He opened the door with a big grin.

"Guess what we have~"

Both of his siblings glanced up at him from the ground. Lynette jumped to her feat while Freminet slowly sat up. The small chicken ran to Lyney, but it was snatched up by Lynette.

The poor thing shivered under her gaze.


Lyney handed her the card with her name with a slight frown. With no choice, she released the chicken, letting it jump to Freminet, who caught it, and helped it hide underneath his shirt.

Freminet grabbed his card from Lyney, and watched as his siblings sat down beside him.

Lyney cleared his thoat and grabbed the very edge of the letter. Lynette and Fremi copied his action.


Lyney saw their nodds, and grinned.

"Set... GO!"

They opened their cards at the same time. A circular, metal object clittered on the ground in front of them. Suddenly, the objects started potraying a blue hologram of All Might. Seeing the man scared Lynette into dropping her letter, her tail and ears stood straight like a line. All her fur stood on edge as she grabbed Fremis arm.

Lyney, Lynette and Freminet in My hero academia Where stories live. Discover now