Villains, Aren't Human?

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Freminet held Izuku while swimming upwards. He inhaled once, coming out of the river. His head turned to move around before finding a brown boat a bit further away. Izuku dragged himself upwards, filling his lungs with air while clutching onto Freminets jacket. He glanced around, his wet hair stuck to his face, and made it harder for him to see through it.

Freminet looked behind them, seeing a head get submerged underwater shortly after getting discovered. So, that's what Kurogiri did. Bringing them to the villains and using the USJ terrain... Freminet pulled Izuku to the boat, the boy hurrying to follow along.

Until something grabbed his ankle and yanked him down. Izuku gasped before his face was forced underwater. Freminet frowned and went down. He opened his eyes and saw the villain pulling down on Izukus ankle.

Izuku was shocked and repeatedly tried to kick his leg off her grip while failing to swim upwards. Freminet swam to the villain, with a speed the villain couldn't even see before taking his claymore out. He blinked, and the blue blade switched to a heavier, whiter blade with a sharp end. 

The blade was much longer, and Freminet swung it towards the villains arm. The villain loosened her grip on Izuku before the blade came into contact with her skin and pierced it cleanly until it severed her wrist from her arm.

She opened her mouth to scream but just inhaled water. She started choking and  hurried to scramble up, but Freminet kicked them back down. He grabbed Izuku and swam back up. The moment they resurfaced, he saw a green, wearing girl on the boat.

She spotted them and jumped, opening her mouth and shooting her tongue at them. Freminet raised his arm, making it easier for the slimy rope to wrap around him. Tsuyu brought her head back, bringing them up and pulling them to the boat.

Freminet and Izuku crashed onto the wooden floor, The blond quickly sat up and looked around. Izuku struggled to cough out the water he had inhaled accidentally.

Tsuyu patted Midoriyas back to help him, Freminet stood up straight and quickly realized where the villains hid. Of course, they were all underwater. But after his display, they seemed to be hesitating.

'Splash!' They turned to the sound, seeing the water start to turn red as someone came out of it. Their hair a wet mess, a bloody stump coming out shortly after them as they clutched their injury with shaky breath. Her bloodshot eyes stared straight at Freminet.


Tsuyu flinched as the person tried to swim towards them, just to pass out with their back floating upwards.

".... Should-"

Tsuyu glanced at Freminet, and the watered down, red stain on his cheek.

"We, help them...?"

Izuku blinked at her question, before he went to jump out. Freminet didn't stop him, he watched him swim to the villain while keeping an eye on any other threat. Tsuyu couldn't help but keep her eye on him, but after she was forced to glance away after hearing a scream, and several splashes as a person struggle to stay afloat.

"Help! Can't- Swim...!"

She immediately recognized the yellow hair, and voice of her classmate. She jumped and used her tongue to bring him towards them. Denki gasped and coughed repeatedly at arriving inside the boat, hurrying to inhaling deep gulps of air to inflate his lungs. Freminet moved beside him and gently patted his back, before helping him rise, as Izuku came back.

Struggling to bring the injured villain on his back, the watery blood staining his suit as he made it. The villain struggling to breathe, or even move.

Denki flinched at her injured, no, missing hand. And the blood that kept leaking out. Izuku, just looked between the hand and the villain.
What, what should he do? Stop the bleeding is first, no? But, this is a villain...

Lyney, Lynette and Freminet in My hero academia Where stories live. Discover now