°Failed Magic Show°

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Freminet had his chin on the table, his eyes watching Pers. He blinked, and the chubby penguin moved around in circles on top of the table. Pers opened its small beak and talked with its mechanical sounds, its movements slowly becoming more fluid. Until the little penguin was able to tap Freminets forehead with a hard, but flexible fin. It chirped, trying to make him feel less lonely in the barren orphanage.

Everyone was out doing things, he was the only one without a mission at the moment. At times like these, he would be out in the ocean. But he was waiting for Lyney and Lynette to come home. That could be consider a mission, he guessed.


Pers made him blink and snap out of his daze, its little eyes stared at him in worry. Freminet leaned back on the dinning room chair and took Pers along with him. Its white belly was the perfect place to rest his face, feeling the cold, made him breathe deeply. When will those two come back? I wanna dive...

The front door was suddenly thrown open, Lyney stepped inside and spotted Freminet. The previous display long gone as Freminet stared up at him, with Pers on his lap. Lyney grinned and walked to him with open arms.


While Lyney hugged Freminet close, Lynette entered and closed the door. Not even looking at her brother suffocating her younger brother.

"We're back."

She immediately went to the kitchen, and came back with a tea set. Lyney ended the tight hug and pushed Freminets hat further down his face, before sitting down on the table. Freminet frowned and fixed his hat, while Lynette stared at her brother with a blank expression for teasing their younger brother.

Lyney grinned and took the tray from her, he placed it down and grabbed a sugar cookie from the small, crystal pink bowl. Freminet quietly watched him sit down while biting it, Lynette served herself a cup of hot tea, held it in her hands and blew on it. Her ears flickering up with impatience.

At the silence, he decided to place Pers away and grab a cookie as well. He watched Lyney grab another while Lynette kept blowing the hot tea. What was he supposed to do...? All he knew, is that the tree of them had a mission.

He looked up at them.

"So, what's my mission?"

Lyney bit onto his second cookie, before pointing it at Freminet. He was wearing the showman grin he usually had.

"You, my dear little brother, will help us practice a new trick!"

A trick? Lyney often showed him new tricks he would later use on shows, but Freminet had never participated on one. He would surely mess this up...

Freminet looked down at the tea cup Lynette had placed in front of him, he dunked the cookie inside the liquid, before stirring it.

"Are you sure? I don't think I'll be much help."

Lyney finished the cookie and dusted his hands. Wiping the crumbs on his lips along the way.

"Nonsense! Your mechanical work has helped us many times in the shows. I know you can help us in this trick."

Freminet still didn't believe it. He just sipped his hot tea, frowning once it scalded his tongue. He placed the cup down, turning to Lyney once he heard a 'swish.'

Lyney had turned his hand, revealing a card between his fingers. He gave it to Freminet, it was a card he could recognize anywhere. Since Pers was on it. Lyney smiled at him.

"It's something only you can do, failure doesn't matter since we're practicing. Just follow us."

Freminet glanced at him, he wanted to help them in any way he could, but he was sure they would be better off without him. Those two always did things together, their teamwork was impecable. How would Freminet help? Lyney stood up before he could object once more.

Lyney, Lynette and Freminet in My hero academia Where stories live. Discover now