goodbye jasper!!

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Lapis pov:

I finally get inside. I'm boiling hot, sore, and tired. I decided I would take a long ass shower before doing anything else.

I kick off my shoes and strip down in my bathroom. I turn on the water, witch was cold, the nice kind of cold. Then get in


I get out after half an hour, and get changed. I put on some fishnet tights with blue shorts over them. And put on a grey tank top.

After I got dressed, I sat on my bed and towel dried my hair the best I could. I gave up and just threw the towel into a washing basket my pearl will take out at some point down the line-

I was just about to text peridot
But then heard a shit ton of shouting, swearing, and other stuff I couldn't make out.

I got up and left my room, running down the halls trying to find out where abouts the noises was coming from.

I ended up in the underground work place. And after the elevator doors taking forever to open I saw it.

A circle of people, cheering, and shouting. And in the middle of it?
Jasper and peridot.
Peridot had a bloody nose, along with a black eye. jasper? She was fine, not a single scratch.

My body moved on its own and I ended up in the middle of the both of them, well, more like I was standing in front of peridot as if I was some sort of human shield.

Before jasper could move, before she got the chance to hit me.

I had pulled out a pocket knife, due to reflex, and jabbed it into her lower stomach.

Jasper just looked down at it. Not saying a word. She fell onto the floor shortly after I had pulled it out.

I ran over to peridot, who was zoned out.

"Are you okay?!" I grabbed her shoulder and shaked her lightly.
After a few seconds she snapped out of what ever little world she was in and looked up at me.

"Lapis-?!"  Her eyes widened. She took a few glances around and stopped when she spotted jasper getting dragged away by a few rubys.

"What happened.."

I stuffed the pocket knife into my pocket, a sad attempt of hiding it I know. She didn't seem to realise anything other then jaspers body.
That's good.

I look around, some people was watching jasper get taken away, some went back to work, but a few had their eyes on me and peridot. To many in my opinion.
I start to pull peridot, gently, out the room. She didn't hesitate but she was stiff


I shut my door and turned to her. She was attempting to stop her nose bleed. It was a very shit attempt.

"Need help?" I started to walk over to her. She looked up at me and just nodded.

I take the tissue from her hand and lean her head back, pinch the bridge of her nose, and block the blood from escaping her nose.

"..hey lapis?"  She soke slowly, and almost in a whisper


"What actually happened? I pretty much looked away for one second and she was- well- dead!!" 


What do I say? She hates it when I even hurt someone. Let alone kill them!! And the bad thing is me and peridot know jasper out of gang life.

"Uhm. Uh. Someone shot her-"

Oh my god I'm so shit at lying. She's going to see right through that!! Stupid stupid stupid-

"Oh.. alright-!"

Oh! For someone so smart she can't seem to see past liers- really bad ones too.

After her nose was clean i put the tissue in the bin, and then slump down in my chair, she sits on the side of my desk.
She looks puzzled- like she was trying to slove something in her head.

It's worrying


IDEA FROM: BagofDoritos


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