the mission

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There's a pov switch in this one!!

Peridots pov:

We walk around these massive cliffs, we was on a beach.
I'm walking behind lapis until I end up walking infront.

Suddenly she grabs the back of my jacket and yanks me backwards, I let out a yelp and she covers my mouth.

"Shhh.." she puts a finger over her mouth and that's when I heard it.

Motorbikes. I must have been in my own world because I didn't hear them at all. Maybe I'm blind AND deaf?

We are practically hugging the wall trying to stay hidden as the lights of the Motorbikes get bigger. And in all honesty I'm shitting myself.
I dont feel like dying tonight, please and thank you.

The Motorbikes drive past us and there was 4 of them. All I could make out was light purple hair- pretty much an off white. I somehow recognise it, I feel like I've seen it before.

Just as we thought we got away we started to walk again.

But we stopped when a motorbike headlight shined on us. We couldn't see them as our backs was turned but they could most definitely see us.

"Shit.." Lapis muttered under her breath, putting her hands up. I do the same.

Are we really gonna give ourselves up like that? Are we gonna get killed and left buried in the god damn sand? Are we-

I fell- well more like pushed. lapis had pushed me and in seconds loud gunshots filled the air. I pull out my gun, shaking as I've never used it before, and attempted to shoot at them. It was a sloppy one. I missed completely, it bounced of a rock and somewhere into the ocean.

They all remained a shadow as they was behind the lights. And that's until a short and stubby girl walked out. I recognised her immediately.

"Yo, what is it with the diamond authority making their way over here." Her voice was a raspy voice, slightly high pitched.

It took me a few seconds to process who she was. But then it hit me.

She was one of the girls that Killed my dad
All of them must be. They have to be.

I look over at lapis to see if she was going to shoot. But instead she was frozen as if she didn't want to shoot her.

She puts the gun down and grabs my arm and we start running. Shouting and the sound of Motorbikes could be heard behind us.
We're running the opposite way from her car and I'm slightly panicking.

"LAPIS WHERE ON EARTH ARE WE GOING???!" I somehow managed to sqeek that out. Trying not to trip over my own feet.

She shoved me against the wall of the big donut, and waited for them to pass us. They circle back a few times and eventually gave up and left.

"What the fuck was that about-?!" I whisper shouted.

She looked at me with her cold eyes- witch I hadn't seen since the first time I ever saw her again. Did I do something wrong?

"We was out numbered." She deadpanned.

Since when did that bother her??! Lapis lazuli!! A fucking diamond!!! THE VERY DIAMOND THAT TOOK ON ALOT OF CRYSTAL GEMS- OR WHAT EVER THEIR CALLED.

I calm down, I don't want to start anything with her, so I just except the fact that we was "out numbered" and decided to just push for more details later down the line-

We get up and practically leg it to her car.


Once we got back, I went to my room not hers. And went to take a shower-
bismuth was in there, its fine. I'll just have one in the morning because I doubt even the coldest waters would keep me from falling asleep in the shower and bashing my head or something-

After I got into some pjs bismuth knocks on my bathroom door.

"Come in-!!" I fall onto the bed trying to get my damn sock off.
Bismuth comes in, still towel drying her awesome hair

"Hey shorts- " She leans against my closest.

Ah yes. The nickname 'shorts' it comes from two things- one of them being my hight and the other being my Alien shorts that she saw me wearing one time. And when I tried to think of one for her she told me to call her 'biggs' she says to call her that because of her hight. And an old friend of hers was called biggs- I think.

It's strange. Bismuth is 24 and still takes her time out of her day to ask a stupid little 15 year old like me 'how's your day been" - like a mother would.
Its nice, especially when my mom left my dad when I was younger-

"Hey biggs-" I say while yawning- I managed to get the sock off after some struggling and threw it somewhere, hopeing it landed in my laundry basket-

Bismuth gives me a sympathetic look for no reason- I assume..?

"What?" I look up at her, she keeps glaring with me with those sad eyes, the same ones that she gave me when she thought I was going to die at the meeting thingy.

" was the mission?" She cleared her throat after muttering it.

Bismuths pov:

I watch her read me like a book. I ask her that stupid question even though I know exactly how it went. I know how every part of it went.

I watch peridot think of a reply.

"Wonderful." I can't help but let out a small chuckle at her sarcastic tone.

I cant help but feel guilty, I mean who wouldn't? Who wouldn't feel guilty in my position.

Over my 6 years here I made friends here, a family here, peridot being one of them. And yet...

I'm still a spy. A crystal gem.



Original idea BagofDoritos

Characters belong to Rebecca suger!!

Sorry if it dont make sense!

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