I want her

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Leighton's POV

"So how are you feeling? First day of college at Essex!" My dad exclaimed happily. My family has been going to Essex since, I don't know forever?

My dad went, my mom went, (guess how they met) my brother went, well he's stilling going to Essex, he's a sophomore now.

"Yeah I can't wait to be roommates with Esme and Francesca!" I replied happily, they've been my friends since high school. My dad didn't really like them but he just didn't understand.

"I still want you to branch out Leighton, meet new people, try new things!"

"And I will dad, don't worry!"

Eventually we arrived, as I quickly checked the sheet of paper in my hand telling me which dorm I was going to be staying in. I quickly found it and I entered just to be met with a bunch of strangers.

"Hi you must be Leighton! I'm Kimberly!" I nodded, flashing her a sarcastic smile.

"I'm sorry who the fuck are you?"

"Leighton!" My dad yelled, I only stood there in shock, this could not be happening. I mean what the fuck? We all filled out the forms exactly the same, what was going on?

I stormed out of the room and went straight down to the student help center. "Hi sorry I think there was a mix up with the dorming situation."

The woman in front me only grunted, "Name?"

"Leighton, Leighton Murray."

"And who are you supposed to be rooming with?"

"Esme Schaffer and Francesca Bromley."

She eyed me up and down before turning her computer screen so I could see it. "This is what they put for housing."

Do not room us with Leighton Murray.

My eyes widened in shock and I immediately went to go confront them. I yelled out "Thank you!" Before running off trying to find there dorm.

It only took a couple of minutes to find them, I barged into there room as they gave me a look of shock. "Leighton! Hi.." Esme trailed off.

"What the fuck guys?!" I started angrily. "Don't room us with leighton Murray are you kidding me?" I mocked.

They ushered me to talk to them outside. "We just felt like we didn't really know you! You're always so closed off." Francesca pointed out. I scoffed, I'm not closed off! Am I?

I decided they're not worth my time and walked off back to the dorm.


After an incredibly boring ice breaker with the RA I finally got to go lie down. The other girls already chose roommates so I was stuck with Bella, the 'comedian'

Early the next morning I woke up to get ready for my classes. I had math first so I headed there.

Well lucky me! Esme and Francesca are in the same class! Yay...

They waved to me, "Were really sorry Leighton." Esme whispered to me. "Oh no it's totally fine I already have new friends who are saving me a seat right now."

I pointed to a girl I didn't know with an empty seat next to her. I waved to her who confusedly waved back.

"Alright welcome class, today we'll be taking a placing quiz to assess your skill level."

He handed out the tests in which I finished with ease, surprisingly. I thought this class would be a lot harder, guess not!

After math I had a free period so I opened the 'calculator' app on my phone. I scrolled through the list of girls who appeared on the screen finally starting a chat with one that I had liked.

We decided to meet up for drinks at her apartment, which really meant, let's get drunk and fuck each other. Which I was completely ok with! Matter of fact it was ideal for me.

I didn't really do long term things. Especially since I'm still in the closet.

That night I told my roommates that I was going out and probably wouldn't be back til morning.

I went to the apartment and got to know her, having a few glasses of wine along the way. I don't really know how it happened but soon enough we were making out.

I pushed her up against the wall eyeing her up and down. "God you're hot.." the older woman moaned.

"No talking, get on the bed."

Y/n's POV

"So Y/n you're trying out for tennis this year right?" My friend, Ashley asked me. I nodded walking up to our dorm.

We had just got back from a party at some underground club, no clue where, I'm drunk as fuck right now.

The second I got into my room I collapsed onto my bed, falling asleep almost instantly.

Tomorrow was going to be a long day, Tennis tryouts, biology quizz, and I had to go to my Palettes class on top of it all too!

Jesus Christ.


I couldn't find any parking and I was going to be late. Finally spotting a parking spot I drove towards it only to be blocked by a tall blonde.

I honked my horn at her. "Can you move?! I'm going to be late!" I said, parking and exiting the car. As I walked past her she commented on my bag. "Hey wait I have that exact same bag!"

I rolled my eyes, "sure..."

Leighton's POV

"She is so hot." I watched as she walked away, her hips swayed and I quickly pulled out my phone to take a picture. It's not creepy I swear!

She radiates confidence, I want to be her, no, scratch that, I want to be with her.

I needed to know more about this girl, I've never seen her in any of the Freshman classes, she had to be older. At least a sophomore or Junior.

Whoever that hot rich girl was, I wanted her, and I wanted her bad.

Authors note!

First chapter what Yall think?

Vote comment and share please 🙏

Unlike my previous book chapters will be irregular but hopefully I can post daily

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