Be Cool Leighton

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Authors note: my stupid fucking Wattpad is glitching so if the text randomly goes to the center don't ask me why bc I have no clue

Leighton's POV

I was walking with Whitney and Willow, talking about the protest Kimberly was planning, some kind of strike against the food hall for higher pay.

"How long do I have to spend at the protest to not be a bad friend?" I asked the two girls.

"Hopefully zero time I can't go at all, I have to study for my biochem exam." Whitney tells us, Willow laughs. "Since when did you become such a dork?"

I hummed in agreement as Whitney rolls her eyes. "Will you shut up? I love science and it's the final lab of the semester!"

"Yo Leighton, Y/n up ahead." I look up to see Y/n walking towards us smiling, presumably coming from her Pilates class as she had a yoga mat in hand with a water bottle.

"Hey Leighton, where are you coming from?"

"From math, you?"

"Ugh I just finished the most amazing Pilates class, you would have loved it." I nodded smiling at her, deciding to her impress her with my Pilates knowledge.

"Reform or Mat?" I can't believe I thought she wouldn't know what those things are. "Both babe." She replied, smirking at me.

"Hey do you want to get dinner tonight, like a restaurant just to be clear, I'm not a dining hall person." She asked, in that moment I wanted to scream and say yes immediately but I played it cool. "Oooh sorry I can't I have plans with Whitney, maybe we can meet up for coffee in between classes."

With that I walked away, with Whitney and Willow hot on my trail. "What was that? We don't have plans!" Whitney exclaimed confused.

"I know. I lied." I blurted out nervously. "This might be hard to believe but I think Y/n might be cooler than me!"

Willow immediately responded. "She is! She also has a better energy than you." Choosing to ignore the rude comment I continued. "And I've never dated up before so I'm thinking of ways to maintain my high status."

"Like walking away mid conversation?" Whitney snorted out. God she knows nothing, poor clueless Whitney.

"Yes and also not responding to her instagram stories, making my schedule seem crazy busy, and taking at least 4 hours to respond to a text, 24 hours if the text is a question."

They both looked at me like I was crazy, and realistically I probably was, just a little though!

Willow began to speak as soon as I got a text from my phone. "And you're not scared that's going to push her away?" She asked confused.

I smirked at her in victory. "Well I would be...except she just texted 'nice bumping into you'." I turned my phone around to show them. Whitney looked at me impressed.

"That's a slay." I stated walking away, I could hear Whitney talking to Willow. "She's right that was a slay."


I saw Y/n sitting on a bench staring at her phone waiting for me. "Hi." I said walking up to her. She quickly looked up and smiled at me. "Hi, you look cute."

I smiled as butterflies erupted in my stomach. "Thanks," I blushed, sitting down next to her. "So do you!"

"I'm surprised you made it, you seem so busy today." I looked down at the floor, smiling uncomfortably. Was she catching on? I swear I could hear a faint hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"I still am! My phone is like blowing up." I replied, pulling out my phone. I showed her my screen. "Look, 53 notifications! It's like Kapaa chill."  I said putting my phone away. In reality I instructed all of my contacts I had saved on my phone to text me continuously until I told them to stop right before I got there.

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