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Alicia: thinking of you

Alicia: can we meet up?

I looked at the phone in shock. I didn't know what to do. She's the one who broke up with me!

Y/n entered the room and handed me the clothes. "Hey, is everything ok?" She asked, touching my arm sympathetically. I nodded, not wanting to ruin what we have.

"Well, I have a Pilates class tomorrow, do you wanna come?" She asked me, I smiled, "yeah sure!"


I hate Pilates.

My core is burning, my legs hurt, my arms hurt, everything fucking hurts!

The instructor called for a water break and I sighed in relief. "So I need to ask you something." I said turning to Y/n. She nodded gesturing for me to continue. "So my ex, Alicia texted me and I was wondering if we were exclusive or I could...you know."

Y/n's POV

Wow, ok. That was uhm... unexpected. I mean if she wanted to see other people then she could! I was totally cool with it. I'm not jealous at all, why would anyone think that?

"Oh uh yeah sure, I'm in contact with like all my exes, even Brandi." She laughed and looked over to her. "Seriously? Our Pilates instructor?" I laughed a bit. "Yeah sex was a lot like this class actually." I replied thinking back to it.

"Oh! By the way I did pay Brandi to go easy on me." Right as she said that Brandi walked by smiling. "Great work Leighton!" She said cheerfully.

I laughed and Leighton only smiled at me. God she was adorable. How does someone even ask to become exclusive? Hey I only want us to see each other so if you don't mind I'm going to block all your exes off your phone.

Leighton's POV

I was kind of surprised when Y/n said she was in touch with all her exes. I mean sure we haven't talked about being exclusive and yes I am going to see my ex but still.

I wonder if she's comparing the sex we had to all do her exes. Was I bad at sex?!

I should stop thinking about sex with Y/n. Wait is this why she's like experienced? Ok Leighton stop.

"Earth to Leighton?" I heard a voice speak out.
Y/n was waving her hand in my face. "Oh yeah sorry kind of got lost in thought for a second."

When we left, Y/n wanted to go get some coffee so we did. We went through the drive through and as she ordered I got a text.

Alicia: hey can we meet at the woman's center?

Leighton: sure

"Hey Y/n, I'm gonna go meet up with uhm one of my friends I'll text you later." She laughed a bit to herself before replying, "don't take 4 hours this time."

My face turned red in embarrassment. "I wanted you to think I was cool!" I said defensively. She chuckled a bit. "Mhm of course."


Y/n dropped me off at the Woman's center, giving me a quick kiss on the lips goodbye. I walked in and the memories immediately rushed back to me. "Leighton! You came!" Alicia said embracing me in a hug. I awkwardly hug back. No one was there which was weird.

"Where is everyone?" I asked. Before she replied, I studied her intensely. She grew out her hair and she had a more simple style now. She still wore her stupid leather jacket and she had a nose piercing now.

"Oh they're all preparing for this party we're hosting tonight." My eyes widened in shock. A party?? At the woman's center? "So you just weren't going to invite me?" I chuckled.

Her face turned a pink hue. "Oh no! I-I mean, like y-you can c-come! Only i-if you want too t-though." I laughed again at her flustered state.

"Whats the theme?" I asked, if I was going to a party I need to dress appropriately. "Oh uhm movie characters." She replied.

I nodded then asked another question. "Do you mind if I bring someone with me?"

She nodded, "yeah sure of course!"

I smiled and walked out of the Woman's center. I quickly texted Y/n.

💕Leighton💕: Hey there's a party at the woman's center and I used to be friends with a lot of them do u want to go?

Y/n <3: yea sure sounds fun

💕Leighton💕: the theme is movie characters btw

*Y/n <3 liked a message*

I smiled putting my phone down. To be honest I was surprised she even said yes. It was definitely not her scene.

Knowing Y/n however she was probably going to judge it, brutality.

Note to self: tell y/n to be nice at party

Note to self: ask y/n to be exclusive

Note to self: don't ask in a desperate way

Alicia: hey wanna come over?

Leighton: not really

Alicia: wow harsh much?

Leighton: I have a gf

Alicia: oh.

I should've told Alicia that from the start, but I'm glad I did now.

Y/n was my girlfriend, right?

Authors note!

Chapters will be long or short depending on how I'm feeling so yeah also should I start naming chapters??

There's a bit of drama coming soon 🤭🤭

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