She is so hot

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Leighton's POV

"Whitney! I need to talk to you!" I yelled out as I ran up to her. She stopped walking and turned around to face me. "What's up?"

"You know your teammate, Willow?" She nodded and I continued. "She's gay right?" Again she nodded.

I yelled a quick 'thanks' and walked around campus to find her.

Eventually I saw her, walking with a group of girls. "Hey Willow I need to talk to you."

She nodded, telling the girls she'll catch up with them later. "Hi, I'm one of Whitney's roommates."

"Oh hey, you're Kimberly right?" Kimberly?? She thought I was Kimberly? "Uhm no I'm Leighton."

"Oh ok, what's up?" I pulled out my phone and showed her a picture of the girl. "Do you know who this is? You know like all the gay girls on campus right."

"Oh that's Y/n, she's a junior on the Tennis team." I smiled at her before she continued, "Oh my god, she looks just like you!"

I looked at her in shock, she totally didn't. "You're in the first stages of coming out, dating someone who reminds you of well you!"

"What?! No!" She rolled her eyes, pulling out her phone to show me a picture. "That's me and my first girlfriend." The two looked almost identical.

"Oh shit." I blurted. She hummed in agreement,
"I know right?"

"So...want to introduce me to her?" I asked, she looked me up and down, debating her answer. "Buy me a jacket." Was all she said, I looked at her confused. "What?"

"Buy me a jacket and I'll help you get with Y/n."

I scoffed, "Yeah ok fine!"

"Great!" She smiled, clapping her hands together then sighing. "I can't believe I'm asking a white girl this. Do you own a tennis racket?"

"Power or Tweener? I have both." Willow rolled her eyes at me, walking away and I quickly trailed behind continuing to nag her about which racket to use.


We got to the Tennis court around the same time Y/n did. She was already playing with some random girl.

Me and Willow agreed she'd let me win. "That's match point! In your face!"

We both walked up to the net as Willow slightly whisper to me, "Look I know we agreed on letting you win but you don't have to be annoying about it."

"Do you think Y/n saw?" I asked, ignoring her comment. "Wait they're going for a water break this is our chance." 

We both walked over as Willow started peeling an orange. "Be cool!" I exclaimed nervously.

"Can I still peel my orange?" She asked, and I slapped it out of her hand.

"Oh hey Willow!" The girl with Y/n said.

"Hey Kate." Willow replied, Kate looked at both of us smiling, "What are you guys up to tonight?"

Before Willow could say anything I quickly replied. "My friend helped set up this Dan O'Connell show so I kind of have an in." I bragged.

Y/n rolled her eyes. "I'm not really into campus sponsored events. If you know what I mean." She smiled sarcastically, taking a drink from her water bottle.

Not wanting to embarrass myself I replied agreeing with her. "Oh yeah totally they're super lame!"

She looked at me suspiciously before nodding, and looking at me like was crazy. "If that's what you're into just own it." She looked over at Kate. "Come on let's get back at it."

"UGH!! She is so indifferent! And so very hot." Willow agreed, then turned to me. "Do I still get my jacket?"

"Just take my card!" I replied handing it to her and storming off. How do I make this girl fucking notice me! Everyone notices me! Why doesn't she? Oh my god she's like way cooler than me, is that why?

Everyone I hang out with is like not cool at all, holy shit what if I'm not cool and she thinks I'm some lame ass freshman.

Why is being gay so fucking hard!?!


After the Dan O'Connell show we all decided to hit up a party at one of the frat houses.

I was talking to Kimberly and spotted Y/n from the corner of my eye. "That's Y/n over there, she totally hates me." One of Kimberly's co-workers was with us, Lila. "I totally would have talked to her thinking it was you." Lila replied. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sure she doesn't hate you! Go say hi!" I guess Y/n spotted me too and she just rolled her eyes. "Oh my god she totally hates you."

"Thanks Kimberly." She was standing near the bar so I had to walk past her to get another drink.

As I walked past her I decided to try just one more time. I stopped in front of her. "Hi."

She looked me up and down, judging me. " was the comedy show?" She smiled sarcastically at me. She seemed to do that a lot, this time I wasn't going to take it.

"You know what? There was nothing cool about it but, I fucking loved it! It was fun to be around other excited people so you can be as judgmental as you want but there's no way you're as judgmental as me."

She raised her eyebrows, nodding and smiling at me, I continued. "You know I used to have those exact same Prada boots" I said looking down at her shoes. "But then I realized they were way too cliche and out of season to be in my closet."

"Wow I don't think I've ever been Prada shamed." Y/n replied laughing. "Here put your number in." She handed me her phone as I internally screamed and celebrated.

"917? I'm from New York too." Y/n said looking at my number. I looked down to see her number. "516, Long Island, how sad." She laughed again, two points for Leighton, zero for Y/n.


I got home to the dorm room to see Bella working on her comedy packet. When I woke up the next morning Bella was still working on it. "Bella have you been working on it all night?"

She nodded, "I don't want Eric to get it in before me and it needs to be super funny!" Eric, her stupid nerdy comedy boyfriend.

"Look Bella you're like the funniest person I know and you always make me laugh even if you don't mean to."

She smiled softly at me. "And if Dan can't see that then he's not worth it, you're going to blow him away!"

"Thanks Leighton."

Authors Note!

So ik theres like no backstory for most of this but Tatum is introduced late in season 2 so the next few chapters will be based do TSLOCG and then rest will be my own creation 😘😘

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