Forgive me?

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Y/n's POV

"Far from yours?" Leighton questioned. "What do you mean?" I grinned deviously at her.

"You know, it's so easy to tell when you're jealous or angry." I stated simply, walking closer to her. She swallowed, "It is not!" She said defensively.

"Oh but it is, like if I were to say that maybe I liked kissing Hannah," Leighton's face flushed a deep red as her jaw clenched, her eyebrows furrowing. "See, very noticeable."

"But the thing is, I think I like kissing you more baby." I smirked once more, stepping closer and closer to her as she backed up with each step, eventually hitting the wall.

"Yeah well apparently you aren't mine so I can't do anything to prove your theory to be true." She protested, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

I leaned in closer to her ear, "Then make me yours."

I could hear her breath hitch as she pulled me into a passionate kiss. I moaned into her touch as she led us to her bedroom. She closed the door behind us, locking it.

Leighton pushed me onto the bed kissing up and down my neck as soft moans left my lips. "These will show Hannah that you're mine." Leighton mumbled against my neck, leaving hickeys all over.

She lowered herself to my pants, pulling them off with ease. She toyed with the waistband of my panties, teasing me.

Well shit this backfired, and I was in for it.

"Leighton please," I moaned out. I was craving her. I wanted her in that very moment. I needed her.

"Please what?" She asked, smirking as she took my shirt off. "Please fuck me," I begged.

"Whose are you?" She asked me, grabbing my jaw, forcing me to look at her. "Y-yours! God I'm yours p-please Leighton!" I moaned out, not being able to take any more of her teasing.

In one swift motion she took off my panties. Taking a swipe through my folds with her fingers. "Taste yourself." She stated blankly, as I sucked my juices off of her fingers.

She hummed as she started to rub my clit, starting slow at first before going faster. I was a moaning mess under her and I knew I was just feeding her ego.

She entered one finger inside of me, a gasp leaving my lips as she started to pump it in and out of me slowly. "Leighton, faster please." I pleaded, slightly tugging on her hair.

She inserted another finger into me going faster this time, using her thumb to continuously rub my clit. "I-I'm so close Leighton please faster."

She started to Pump her fingers in and out, faster and faster. I moaned out pleads of her name as I reached my peak. Leighton didn't slow down though.

She kept going, rubbing my still sensitive clit a bit more aggressively. "You wanna act like a slut? You're gonna get treated like one." She stated. I could feel myself coming closer to my high a second time moaning like crazy as a few tears left my eyes.

"Leighton! I'm coming! Fuck-!" I moaned releasing onto her a second time. She smiled at me before sucking my juices off of her fingers. "You taste so good baby." She said cleaning me up. My chest was rising and falling. My body was on high alert.

Leighton laid down next to me drawing lazy circles and shapes onto my shoulder, as she kissed me gently. "Forgive me?" I breathed out.

She smiled and nodded. "I forgive you."

Authors Note!


Vote comment and share bc I want this book to do well thanks :)

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