I love you

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Y/ns POV

I woke up before Leighton, who was still fast asleep in my bed. After I walked away I came back shortly after, with a glass of water for Leighton.

She tried to get up but I told her to just stay seated since I didn't want her falling over due to her inability to walk. (Sorry not Sorry)

We fell asleep watching the titanic. (There was enough room for both of them)

I got dressed and ready for the day as Leighton slowly started to wake up. "Y/n?" She called out from the bedroom.

"I'm in the bathroom!" I yelled back. From the corner of my eye I could see her walk in, rubbing her eyes.

She slowly wrapped her hands around my waist, leaning her head on my should, mumbling a small 'hi'.

I replied with a soft smile, "Hi baby, how'd you sleep?"

"Good," She mumbles softly, closing her eyes again. "Is everything alright? Are you still tired? I can bring you breakfast." I replied worriedly. I wanted to make sure she was alright and not sick or something.

"No I'm fine, I just love you." I turned to look at her my eyes wide. She got up and looked at me too, realizing what she had said. "I-I'm sorry I-i didn't-"

I cut her off trapping our lips in a passionate kiss. "I love you too." I replied pulling away from the kiss.

She smiled at me, kissing me again.


After Leighton got ready I asked if she had anything going on today. She said she didn't have any classes today and was basically free the entire day.

I nodded, telling her I just had a Pilates class and that was it. "Wait do you want to come to Pilates with me??" I asked hopefully.

"God no, I hate Pilates." She replied, "but I'll go anyway."

I looked at her confused. "What?" I started to laugh a bit. "Well I don't want to come, but I'm gonna go anyway."

She smiled at me, and I wrapped her in a tight hug. "You don't have to do that.." I trailed off as our eyes met. "But you get so happy when I do." She said with a smirk, I blushed as she kissed me again.

Leighton when back to her dorm to change into some yoga pants and a sports bra, as I did the same deciding to meet at the class.

We arrived at around the same time, walking in together. Brandi started the class like normal and it went smoothly.

After the class Leighton was breathing heavily and panting. "Never again..." she mumbled, I laughed, knowing if I really wanted her to come again she would.

"Wanna go out to eat tonight?" She asked me, I shook my head no telling her I had "homework" to do. She nodded as we both drove off to our dorms.

Once I got back to my dorm I quickly showered and changed grabbing a picnic blanket, food, a few candles, and some blankets.

I put it all in my car speeding towards the nearest beach. No one was there since it was around 6:30 P.M and the sun was just setting.

I texted Leighton.

Y/n 💗: meet me at Drawood beach?

💕Leighton💕: ok...?

I quickly set everything up, making sure everything was perfect and in its place.

I saw Leighton pull into the parking lot near the beach, she was in shorts and an oversized hoodie, and wait- THATS MY HOODIE.

Leighton ran down towards me smiling from ear to ear. She tackled me in a hug kissing my face with soft pecks all over.

"This is why you couldn't get dinner?" She asked. I nodded happily, as she kissed me again.

"I love you so so so much!" She said, as I hugged her. "I love you so so so much too." I replied.

We ate some of the food I packed before walking towards the water a bit.

Leighton saw a shell in the water and bent down to pick it up, using this as an opportunity I pushed her slightly making her fall over and splash into the water.

"What the fuck Y/n!" She screamed, laughing. I laughed like a maniac trying to keep composure. "At least help me up!" She said reaching out to me.

I grabbed her hand but before I could react she pulled me into the water with her. We were both laughing and smiling like crazy.

After our fun in the water we walked back to the picnic I had set up as I wrapped her in a blanket.

Best. Date. Ever.

Authors note!

They are such cuties 🤭🤭

Vote comment and share bc im desperate for attention 🥲

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