The Letters

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No ones POV

Dear Leighton,

I miss you so much already, I know I can text you or even call but I feel like this is better. We can keep these letters in the future to look back on one day too you know? It'll be cute. I'm in Paris right now and I can see the Eifel tower from my hotel window just like we talked about. I'll send you pictures later. I wish you were here with me, please write back soon


Dear Y/n,

I miss you too! I can't believe your hotel has that great of a view. I saw the pictures you sent me, it looks beautiful (just like you) I wish I was there to see it all with you. One of the math mentors here said I had a bright future, I'm actually gonna cry. I got to visit the Namdaumun Market too! It was awesome I bought so much stuff it's crazy. They have everything there. Where are you going next?


Dear Leighton,

Hi my love! I'm going to Italy next I think, we're leaving tonight. I'm gonna eat so much pasta there I swear. I'm so glad that you're doing well in your math course!! I'm so proud of you leighton, I knew you could do it. You're like one of the smartest people I know. I miss you so much, I sent you a souvenir from one of the gift shops, it's a mini Eiffel Tower, did you get it yet? We also went to the Louvre and I saw the Mona Lisa, it was super crowded. I love you so so much.


Dear Y/n,

I got the souvenir you sent! It's sitting on a shelf in my hotel room. I wish I could go to Italy with you, pasta is like my favorite food. I saw the pictures you posted on instagram, I swear I could barely see the Mona Lisa there were so many people! I'm glad you're having a great time I miss you though. Im learning to speak a little bit of Korean too! 사랑해요 That means I love you. It also took forever to write.


Dear Leighton,

That's so cool that you're learning a new language! I just use google translate. Kate already speaks Italian though so she does all the talking. There are so many cute clothes in Italy! I'm sending you a sweater I found in a store that I know will look great on you! I hope you like it. The pasta here is to die for! Wish I could send that to you too, but I'd probably eat it before it even gets in a box.


Dear Y/n,

How dare you not send me pasta! I'm wearing the sweater you sent right now, it's raining so it's really cold. The sweater is super warm and comfy though, I love it! I hope Italy is everything you ever dreamed of. Summers almost over can you believe it? Only a week or two left. I feel like we barely even sent that many letters. Well time zones I guess but still! Your last stop before leaving Europe is Germany right? Anyways I love you and can't wait to see you again!


Dear Leighton,

Yeah I guess summer is almost over! My last stop is Germany, I'm writing this on the plane there. Hopefully you get this in time. Maybe it feels like we don't send that many letters because it's once a week but who knows! I miss you so much and can't wait to see you too. I think I'll die of happiness when I see you.


Leighton got off the plane searching the airport for Y/n. Y/n came back a day earlier than Leighton had.

Finally her eyes landed on Y/n as she rushed over to her, trapping her in a tight hug. Y/n didn't say anything as the blonde pulled away only handing her a small envelope.

Leighton teared it open, reading it.

Btw I'm still cooler than you

Authors note!

I hope you guys enjoyed reading this book just as much as I enjoyed writing it! You guys have been nothing but positive towards my books and I am so so grateful. I love you all!!


(Haha name drop)

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