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Leighton's POV

After Whitney's soccer game I texted Y/n to see what she was up to.

💕Leighton💕: Heyy wydd?

Y/n 💗: Just leaving Sips rn u?

💕Leighton💕: wait why were u at Sips? I thought u hated campus shops lol

Y/n 💗: I was meeting Hannah yk the girl who brought me home when I was drunk

💕Leighton💕: oh yeah haha

Why was she suddenly hanging out with fucking Hannah? She only mentioned her once! It's not like they're besties or whatever the fuck??

Before I could finish my train of thought Y/n texted me again.

Y/n 💗: come over?

*Leighton liked a message*

Maybe I could finally get some answers about Hannah. I sped over to her dorm and knocked on the door.

She opened it with a smile on her face. Pulling me in for a quick kiss before letting me in. I walked into the dorm room, taking off my shoes and sitting on her bed.

"Where are your roomates?" I asked, they never seemed to be around. "Oh they're on some exotic cruise to study whales." I nodded as she smiled at me.

Suddenly she began to straddle my waist, sitting on my lap. She kissed up and down my neck before I stopped her. "I-is something wrong?" She asked, getting off of me.

"Since when were you friends with Hannah?" She looked at me strangely, before a state of realization hit her, a smirk playing on her face.

She leaned in closer to me, whispering in my ear. "Jealous?" My breath hitched at her words as I turned to her, my face red.

"No, of course not! I was just asking!" Y/n hummed moving closer to me. "You know, Hannah is super pretty..." She trailed off as my blood boiled in jealousy.

I guess she could feel the tension I was feeling as she added, "Oh, don't worry baby, I'm still yours."

I didn't know how to respond as Y/n just continued. "I don't belong to anyone else my love, only you," I tried to keep a straight face, not wanting to fold so easily. "Good." Was all I said.

Y/n grinned, tracing random shapes with her finger on my shoulder and neck making shivers go down my spine.

"Hannah might be pretty, but god darling you're beautiful." She went close to my ear again, lowering her voice to a soft whisper. "She has nothing on you."

My eyes widened slightly before returning to normal, not wanting Y/n to see she had this effect on me. "Well you just met her and now you're getting coffee with her?" I replied nonchalantly.

She laughed a bit, "I knew you were jealous."

My face turned a light shade of red. "I am not jealous!" I blurted out. Y/n only laughed again. "Sure you aren't."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes, turning away from her. She pulled my face closer to hers. "Don't get mad at me for that baby, I was just joking."

"I was just joking." I mocked, rolling my eyes again. "Stop rolling your eyes at me or I'll give you a reason to roll them." She stated blankly.

I smirked, "Then give me a reason." She raised her eyebrows in amusement before kissing my neck, leaving innocent and soft kisses to the skin.

I laid down on the bed preparing myself for her. She took off my shirt, kissing her way down. "Y/n don't tease." I said before she even got the chance too.

She hummed and unbuttoned my pants pulling them down. "Is this ok baby?" She asked, I nodded hastily, as she slipped my panties off too.

She swiped her tongue through my folds as a moan left my lips. She started to swirl her tongue around my clit as I grabbed her hair pulling on it slightly.

She took another swipe before kissing her way up again, leaving a soft peck on my lips. She moved her hands down towards my center once more, pumping two fingers in and out of me.

"Admit you were jealous of Hannah." She let out, I couldn't speak as moans fell from my lips.

She moved her free hand to my throat, grabbing at it softly, "Admit. You. Were. Jealous." She released her hand from my neck. "I wasn't.." I breathed out, still moaning.

Suddenly she stopped. I looked up at her confused. Why was she always teasing? "You were jealous Leighton, but you just had to lie. Now you're gonna pay the price."

I looked at her, still flustered from the events prior. "What the fuck-" I was cut off by a vibrator making contact with my clit, as my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

"I told you I'd give you something to roll your eyes about." She smirked and got off of me leaving me there with a fucking vibrator.

God this woman is doing something to me.

Authors Note!

Ur welcome 2 chapters in one day Aaaninalo

Hope Yall enjoyed !!

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