I'll miss you

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Y/n's POV

After the fight with Leighton blew over we were back to normal. I blocked Hannah on everything and Leighton was about to send her death threats, in which I told her not too.

The year was almost ending, I would be a senior and Leighton would be a Sophomore...that sounds weird but we're in college so it's fine...I hope.

I don't know what that means for our relationship though. Over the summer I was going to travel Europe and Leighton was taking a math course in South Korea.

I knew we would keep in touch but I've seen long distance ruin so many relationships.

I went over to Leighton's dorm unannounced, I just wanted to spend as much time with her as possible.

I went up to her dorm and knocked on the door. Bella answered. She smiled and waved at me and I waved back. "LEIGHTON Y/N IS HERE!!!" She yelled.

A loud bang could be heard in the background followed by mumbled curses. Finally Leighton appeared in the door frame, her hair was messy and she was in a hoodie and sweats.

"Y/n! Hi! What are you doing here?" She asked nervously, I smiled at her. "I thought I'd surprise you!" I said giving her a kiss on the lips. She nodded hastily gesturing for me to come in.

I followed her into her bedroom which was a mess as she ran around the room trying to tidy things up. "Leighton it's fine! I don't mind the mess."

She smiled at me awkwardly. "I do! I didn't think you'd be coming over I look a mess right now! My rooms a mess, I-!" I cut her off, smashing our lips in a passionate kiss.

I pulled away slowly as Leighton's eyes fluttered open. She sat next to me on the bed.

Changing positions I lied down so Leighton's head was resting on my chest as I played with her hair.

"What do you think is gonna happen to us?" I asked softly, Leighton looked up at me. "What do you mean?" She replied.

I sighed, "you know, our relationship, when we both go out of country over the summer, we're not gonna be able to see each other."

She nodded understandingly. "We'll make it work, there's always FaceTime."

"But what about time zones?" I pointed out, she sighed. "Oh yeah...."

"Oh and what about-!"

"Y/n!" I looked at Leighton who was now fully on top of me. "Stop focusing on the future, let's just enjoy each other's company right now, we'll figure this out, together."

I nodded slowly as she gave me a quick peck on the lips, returning to our previous position. I ran my hands through the blondes hair. "I love you so much." I whispered out softly.

I could feel her smile against my chest. "I love you too baby." She mumbled. I just wanted to stay in that moment forever.

I wanted to be with Leighton Murray forever.


Months had passed since then and it we were only a week away from the end of the school year. I ditched my last week of classes and just stayed by Leighton's side. We were attached by the hip the last couple of months.

"So what are you excited to see in South Korea?" I asked Leighton, we were in some grassy field off campus. It was cold tonight so we were close together.

"Well, I really want to go to the Namdaemun Market, I heard it's awesome!" She exclaimed happily.

I smiled, "What are you excited to see in Europe?" She asked. I sighed. I wanted to see so many things. "I don't know, the Eifel tower, the London bridge, there's so many things you know?"

"Yeah I get it." She sighed.

We were silent for the rest of the time in the field, just looking at the sky above us.


"Text me when you land in South Korea ok?" I said hugging Leighton. "Ok I will, I love you!"

"I love you too!" I replied as she got in line to board the plane. My flight was tomorrow so I was wishing Leighton goodbye at her terminal.

I pulled out my phone to text her.

Y/n: I miss you

Leighton turned around and smiled at me.

Leighton: I miss you too <3

Authors note!

This chapter was lowkey so cute ngl

Vote comment and share or I'm not gonna post the final 🤪🤪🤪🤪

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