part 3

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Sharky decided to go back home since there was no point in staying at Kenny's empty house. Sharky wasn't upset at the girl Kenny was meeting, he was upset at the fact that Kenny noticed his mood changed and didn't say a thing.

Kenny always told Sharky about his hookups, and they were always one time things so Sharky didn't mind too much about that. Kenny claimed he didn't believe in true love when you're pretty much almost a celebrity. He believed most women are just out to take your money. Sharky pretty much agreed with his opinion since the only true love he'd seen in Beta Squad was Niko and Aj pretending like they didn't choose matching outfits on purpose and then argue about it.

Sharky was sat in his room, tears down his face. He wasn't crying because of Kenny, but it was a part of the reason. Sharky had a lot on his mind. He always did. A lot of him missed his dad, but a bit more of him hated him for leaving in the first place. Sharky wondered whether he watched the Beta Squad videos once he realised Sharky was in them. Did he still love him? Why did he leave in the first place?

Sharky always figured that the man leaving must've been his fault. He remembered the argument they had. Sharky was in maybe secondary when he was coming back from school, holding hands with a boy. His name was Collin but Sharky didn't think he had a crush on him. Sharky was always an openly affectionate person so he didn't realise that holding hands with another man was a bad thing. And then his dad just wasn't home one day after telling him that he was disgusting.

But Sharky didn't care too much about his opinion. He'd still hug and kiss his friends, even on camera. But of course his words would still sting, he was his dad after all. Sharky chose to never act on any feelings that he has with another man. Which is why Sharky left his childhood friend Collin in the dust, completely ignoring his existence the moment his dad left.

Sharky stared at the scars on his arms. Battle scars, people call them. Sharky didn't understand why because he didn't seem to think there was anything brave about him. He tried to go clean once before, it worked, for 3 weeks too. But then when life got tough he cut. He cut until he felt nothing but pain. Because at least when you're feeling physical pain, all emotion is sucked dry. The scars on his arms were 3 days old. He'd been meaning to go clean once more but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

Even now, crying, he knew that the emotions scarred far more than any cut he would ever make. He hated crying, he felt weak. So Sharky got up to the bathroom.

It'll get rid of the pain. Sharky thought.


Kenny was sat in the car with Chunkz since he didn't have his car. He asked Sharky to drop him off but the man insisted he had something to do back at home which was odd because he seemed rather free before. Kenny opened his mouth to say something to Chunkz before closing it. He opened it once more, trying to figure out what he was trying to say. He closed his mouth slightly before opening it wide again.

"Bro you look like you're doing the One Chip Challenge." Chunkz stated, watching Kenny from the corner of his eye. "If you need to say something just say it. Bro's going-" Chunkz started to imitate the up and down movement Kenny was doing with his mouth.

Kenny laughed out loud "Nah its just, I think I upset Sharky." Kenny told him. "I don't know, I'm just getting that vibe."

"What'd you do?" Chunkz asked.

Kenny shrugged "Not sure. He was fine in the morning, I got him milk and we ate breakfast. Then he came back to my place and just sat whilst I trained."

Chunkz hummed with a nod to show he was listening.

"But then he got randomly quiet and shit once I got out from the shower. Said he couldn't drop me to Jess' for some reason too."

Chunkz snorted "Let me get this straight, yeah? You lot are calm in the morning, calm in the afternoon, but when a girl's mentioned he's upset?"

Kenny nodded, not understanding Chunkz's point. "Mhm. What d'you think I did?"

Chunkz sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He already had to deal with Niko and Aj's obliviousness, did he seriously have to deal with Kenny and Sharky's too? "Take a wild guess, brother."

Kenny huffed out in thought. "You think he wants to spend more time with me? I don't think I see him enough either to be fair."

Chunkz just rolled his eyes "Whatever you say, Ken." Chunkz decided he couldn't be the one to tell Kenny that Sharky had feelings for him, he had to figure it out on his own.

"Oh my gosh, I'm gonna take him out tomorrow. I already have it all mapped out, he's gonna love it!" Kenny pulled out his phone to search something up.

Chunkz bit his tongue hard in an attempt to not say anything he shouldn't. "Sounds like a date." He just couldn't help himself.

"Yeah- wait huh?" Kenny looked at Chunkz with a look in his eye that Chunkz couldn't really figure out. Kenny then burst out laughing "Sure, he can be my galentine- hey- what's the male version of galentines?"

Chunkz sighed "Don't know, akh." He said.

Chunkz parked up on the road of Jessica's house and patted Kenny's knee. "Aight get out."

Kenny made an oddly concerning face, sticking his tongue out. "Bout to have some fun." Kenny stated with a laugh, rubbing his hands together.

"Ugh." Chunkz groaned, scrunching up his face "Don't put that image in my mind."

"Sorry." Kenny laughed, opening the door. "Love you brother!" Kenny called out as he shut the door and left. Kenny didn't really kiss his other friends. Aj because he didn't like physical touch and Chunkz because... well, he just didn't. He did at times, but not for no reason.

Kenny'd kiss Niko whenever he got the chance though, that was his brother. Of course he'd also kiss Sharky, he loved the man to death. Kenny also figured he'd start doing it a lot more than usual if Sharky felt like they don't hang out enough. At least, Kenny thought that's what Chunkz was trying to tell him.

Kenny knocked on the door and waiting for Jessica to answer. As soon as the door opened she grabbed Kenny's arm and pulled him inside. "Get in." she said, in an almost desperate tone, smirking seductively.

Kenny smiled with his teeth, gladly walking through the front door. As soon as the door was slammed shut, Kenny pushed the woman into the door and kissed her harshly.

There were no need for greetings and 'how are you?'s and that's what Kenny loved about hookups.


guysss i'm not sure if this book is gonna be as slowburny as clueless shmucks was 😭

then again i said that about clueless shmucks and it ended up being 40 chaps long so who knows i could be wrong.


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