part 9

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It'd been a week since Kenny and Sharky's talk in Chunkz's house and things seemed to be a little better. Kenny's match was in a week and he was more than prepared with all his friends by his side. Sharky seemed to be a little better, mentally, than he was when Kenny found the scars. He hadn't stopped cutting, but Kenny and Chunkz were still determined to help the man find better ways to relieve his stress. There must be something that Sharky could do or feel that's healthier than cutting.

Sharky had slept over at Chunkz's house for a few days so that he could try and take care of the older man. Sharky had quickly left Chunkz's house on a Wednesday to grab some stuff for filming a Beta video. He found his car parked up next to an Audi with a scratch down its door.

There was an hour before today's shoot and Sharky and Aj had already made it to the location. They were inside the little chill area, waiting for the rest of their friends.

"Why isn't Niko with you?" Sharky asked, grabbing a packet of crisps and sitting down.

"He went to Kenny's, he seemed really stressed out over the phone so Nik went to check up on him." Aj got comfortable on his seat, crossing his legs in the armchair and throwing his jacket on the floor.

"Oh what?" Sharky seemed surprised "Is he okay? What was he stressed about? Does he need help?-"

"-Bro!" Aj laughed. "It's probably nothing, I mean he's got a fight in a week so it's probably the adrenaline kicking in."

Sharky shook his head "I don't know... He seemed fine about it before, why would he be so stressed out now?"

Aj shrugged "Why you so worried? It's Kenny! He's the most organised out of all of us! He's probably just stressing about his ring walk or something stupid like that."

Sharky smiled, but it wasn't a believable one. "Hey!" Aj said loudly. "What's wrong, Sharks?" Aj was seriously confused.

"It's just..." Sharky started "I reminded him about him wanting to move in with me and he got really weird and awkward." Aj nodded, listening intently. "And I feel like he's only stressed right now because- what- I mean-" Sharky started to stutter.

"What I'm trying to say is what if he's trying to avoid me? What if he doesn't want to move in with me anymore and I just annoyed him?!"

Aj rolled his eyes dramatically "You're seriously an idiot you know?"

"How?!" Sharky was clearly worked up about it which didn't seem like it was going to lessen anytime soon.

Aj huffed out "Listen. We couldn't understand half the things that brainless boxer was saying on the phone, but one of the things we heard for sure? He said 'if I'm doing this, it's gonna be for Sharky.' Why wouldn't he want to move in with you if he's thinking about you?"

Sharky's eyes dilated largely. He was gleaming red but had a confused expression on his face. "What was he talking about?"

Aj shrugged once more "My guess is winning the match. But he wasn't speaking clear enough for us to understand"

"Nah I think you're just an immigrant. It's why you can't speak English." Sharky smiled, feeling slightly more at ease.

"Crazy!" Aj snorted at the insult "Why'd you care so much about Kenny anyways? He's all our best friends but you were acting like his mother for a second there."

Sharky offered some of his crisps to Aj in an attempt to avoid the question, ending in failure as Aj rejected the crisps before they could even be handed to him. Sharky realised Aj had been doing that a lot more now, avoiding food, but wasn't sure if there was a reason for it. Sharky made a mental note to ask Niko about his eating patterns at home later.

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