part 4

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Kenny lay in bed next to the girl known as Jessica. The two had been hooking up every now and then and Kenny seriously liked getting to do this stuff without having to be in a relationship for it. He didn't trust relationships much, they usually ended in heartbreak or disappointment.

Kenny had his hands behind his head, resting on the headboard. He sighed out, comfortable, as Jessica put her bra back on. "Hey Ken?" She said.

"Hm?" Kenny looked at him.

"I was just wondering if we're only going to hookup?"

Kenny gave Jessica a look. "What d'you mean?"

"Like, I don't know... maybe you wanna go out sometime?" Kenny looked visibly horrified. Something about dating a girl put him really far out his comfort zone. He'd do it for videos and pranks and stuff but to genuinely go out with a girl? Kenny couldn't think of anything worse.

Kenny laughed nervously "You know, I'd rather not..." Kenny said, almost rudely.

"Oh." Jessica said in a high pitched tone. She then shrugged and pulled her phone from the charger. "Just thought you liked me." She said in a tone that was clearly meant to make Kenny feel bad.

Kenny was a very empathic person, so he immediately apologised. "Wait, I didn't mean it to be rude or anything. I just don't think I wanna go on a date anytime soon. Sorry." Jessica eyed him harder. Kenny laughed awkwardly "Jess, I said I'm sorry."

"I know." Jessica went back to her phone.

Kenny sighed. He knew he never wanted to get into a relationship, especially starting from a hookup. "Fine." Kenny gave in. "One date. If I don't like it we aren't hooking up anymore either. Okay?" Kenny genuinely meant that.

Jessica smiled brightly. "Deal!" She leaned in and kissed Kenny softly. "How about tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?- I'm gonna take a friend out tomorrow, I can't."

"Can't you rain check?"

"It's really important."

"Oh is it another girl?" Jessica asked.

"No it isn't a girl. I'm going out with Sharky."

"Sharky?" Jessica asked, unimpressed.

"Yeah." Kenny smiled at the thought of taking Sharky out somewhere.

"You guys see each other like everyday to shoot. I'm sure he can go a single day without you."

"No, you don't get it. He doesn't know I'm taking him out. It's a surprise."

Jessica snorted "That's seriously gay Ken. Didn't know you swung that way."

"What?- No, no not like that! Don't be weird, I'm not gay." Kenny got really defensive.

Jessica put her hands up in defence "Hey, I never said being gay was a bad thing!"

"I'm not. Gay." Kenny said sternly.

"Sounds like you're tryna convince yourself" Jessica said in a little sing song tone. Her vibe had clearly switched once Kenny mentioned the surprise trip he was taking Sharky on.

"Jessica, stop it." Kenny said.

Jessica rolled her eyes and sighed "Fine." She then took Kenny's hand "So." She started "Tell me where you're going to take Sharky in this totally-not-a-date"

"Why do you wanna know?" Kenny raised an eyebrow.

"I just wanna know how much of a romantic you can be!"

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