part 17

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Kenny had successfully put everything he needed exactly where it needed to be in Sharky's house. He'd even cleaned a few things of Sharky's up in the process.

Sharky realised his house was about to get a lot cleaner with Kenny living here permanently. As he was walking through the halls he noticed things being picked up and shirts being folded, messes being cleaned. Sharky was shocked to say the least.

Sharky knocked on what once was Aj's door, awaiting Kenny's answer. When he heard Kenny's 'come in!' Sharky pulled the handle and walked in.

"Hey Sharks. Like what I done to the place?" Kenny asked, still rearranging a few things on a shelf.

"Woah." Sharky was aware that Kenny was talking about the house entirely but even this one room alone was cleaner than it ever was about two hours ago before Kenny moved in.

Sharky walked in and looked around. He took a little trophy from a shelf and looked at it. Kenny immediately looked up in slight worry. He took the trophy from Sharky's hands, putting it back on the shelf.

"Please don't touch, baby." Kenny took Sharky's hands in his, kissing his nose.

"Sorry. I guess I just never expected you to be such a neat freak." Sharky laughed. "It's much different to when you used to live with us in the Beta house"

Kenny rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "You're probably gonna have to get used to that."

"Hey, at least I'll learn to keep the house clean."

Kenny smiled, gazing into Sharky's breathtaking eyes. "I'm so glad we're living together." He still hadn't let go of Sharky's hands.

"Me too." Sharky smiled.

Kenny smile widened. Sharky attacked Kenny in a tight hug. Sharky had his arms around Kenny's neck, Kenny gently placing his hands on the taller man's waist.

"Not to ruin the moment." Sharky mumbled into Kenny's neck.

Kenny rolled his eyes "Go on."

"You should probably talk to Chunkz now you're unpacked."

"Oh. Right. I'll- erm- call him."

"What?" Sharky kept his hands on Kenny's shoulder but moved to stare the man in the face.

"I think you need to go and talk to him."

Kenny broke the eye contact he'd been holding with Sharky every time they were face to face. "I don't know if that's a good idea..."

Sharky frowned. "I don't know what happened, but Chunkz is the kinda guy to want to sort it out, love. Please don't push him away."

Kenny smiled. "You're too sweet." He once more gazed into Sharky's eyes, full of hope. Kenny sighed out in defeat. "Alright. You win, baby. I'll go to his place today."

Sharky pulled himself back into the hug he was holding with Kenny "You're the best Ken!"

"Mhm, I know." Kenny said, cockily.

Sharky then nuzzled into Kenny's neck. "You smell great."

"Do I?" Kenny laughed.

"Mhm." Sharky grabbed the back of Kenny's neck, jokingly holding him in place. "And now? Now you're not allowed to leave."

"What happened to talking to Chunkz and checking on him?" Kenny smirked.

"He said he's okay. I can hear him right now, he's doing fine." Sharky said almost creepily.

Kenny laughed out loud "Yeah you're sick in the head."

Sharky giggled insanely, pushing his head further into Kenny's neck.

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