Chapter 3 - Tomorrow Never Knows

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Ravi shot a glance at his watch and felt a surge of anger ran through his veins. Yeah, how can someone be calm as a monk after waiting for an hour? He and Sid have planned to go bowling. If Sid takes more than ten minutes, I will beat the stuffing out of him, he thought to him.

The wait was over; luckily, Sid reached before the allocated time. "Damn, you! I've waited for an hour. Where on earth were you?" he snapped at Sid, at least to give him a piece of his mind.

"I was busy with some work," Sid replied. Well, this was a lie because he woke up late, and it took him a hell lot of time to get ready. Now to calm down Ravi's anger, he came up with a different topic. "Which game you've downloaded that you were talking about last night?"

"Oh yeah!" Ravi's anger flushed away with that question. He grinned proudly. "Batman: Arkham Knight." His facial expression appeared like he's the only one who has that game. But it was a relief for Sid to see Ravi's at peace now, or else he would chew him out all day for coming late.

As they were about to leave for bowling, Sid heard someone calling out his name. He turned around and caught sight of Sahil's mom coming toward him. Something's wrong, he thought, because she looked worked up. Her eyes were sore, and her face indicated exhaustion. "Have you guys seen Sahil?"

"Nope." Both spoke in unison. "Have you not call him?" Sid added.

"I spoke to him last night he was going to have a sleepover at his friend's house, but now his cell phone is switched off since the morning."

Ravi's brows furrowed. "Have you contacted his friends?"

"Well, one of his friends said, he had seen him on Juhu beach an hour ago. Please, could you guys go there and find him?" she gulped in fear by imagining those typical what-ifs.

Among all, the biggest "what if" was, someone kidnapped her son. Sahil was her only child, and on top of that, her husband was out of the city. She has been searching for her son since morning, but still no signs of him wherever she went.

Sid and Ravi felt pity for her. In fact, Ravi's compassion extended to the desire to go to Juhu beach and look for her son. The reason for this sympathy was, he imagined a picture of his mom in place of Sahil's. You see, guys are mama's boy, and they're quite sentimental when it comes to mother.

Ravi asked for her number so that as soon as he finds out Sahil, he'll call her. A soothing smile graced her lips, she shared her phone number and went away with a gleam of hope that Ravi will succeed in finding out her son, who went missing for eight hours.

Now, as if on a mission, Ravi turned his attention toward Sid. You can call Sid a stone-hearted because he didn't take this issue seriously. In the back of his mind, a thought came: teens are a pain in the neck, and they rejoice in troubling their parents. He argued that Sahil would go home after some time because his mind churned on the fact that it's a mothers' nature to make a mountain out of a molehill.

"I just hope he's not kidnapped. We must have a look at the beach," Ravi said. His voice dripped with command.

If that did happen, he deserved it. Bloody jerk smokes pot a lot, Sid thought to himself. Yes, he meant it halfheartedly, because no matter how much he dislikes Sahil for being a spoiled brat, still he was a well-wisher of him.

Ravi astride his bike, he put the key in the ignition. The engine chugged and coughed and vibrated to life. Then he sent a glare at Sid while whisking the accelerator to warm up the engine. He jerked his neck at the pillion. Sid pulled his ear, reluctance plastered on his face because he didn't want to help. "Alright." His voice still expressed his unwillingness. "But I think there's a place we should pay a visit before heading to the beach."

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