Chapter 13 - Law of Attraction

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Blue sky was radiant with the sun, prettified by white clouds. Scorching sun rays were falling upon all of the female students, who were busy filling up the form for a subsidy as the government declared free education for women. The sweat was rolling down from everyone's body, but no one grumbled about it and pressed ahead with their work.

Ravi, Raj, and Sid were with Jayashri, their mutual friend. She was busy filling up the form; just for a gag, Ravi was picking on her under the impression that she might fumble and commit a mistake while filling her form. Jayashri yelled at the top of her lungs every time Ravi tried to disturb her, and she was indeed unable to concentrate on her task. Ravi, however, delighted in getting on her nerves that it didn't bother him much.

Sid was quietly observing it, but after a while, he broke the silence. "Stop it, man! No mistakes should be there in the form; the professor has warned."

Ravi glowered at him and didn't care to do so.

Jayashri put her pen down and, in a commanding tone, spoke up, "Yes, tell this stupid fellow to stop bugging me."

"Oh, he's just playing around," Raj interjected.

"You see, Ravi is an anti-feminist. That's why he can't bear this subsidy for girls." Sid's eyes lit up, and a broad grin beamed across his face.

While dashing off some info, Jayashri's pen ran out of ink. Her oval lips parted and made an "O" shape when she realized there was no other pen in her handbag; she looked at the boys to get her out from this tight spot.

"I guess I have one. Let me check it." Sid fished into his bag and got hold of one gel pen.

Jayashri thanked him, and without letting another minute to pass, she resumed filling up her form. But the pen wasn't working. She jiggled it so that the ink would get adjusted in the tip of that pen, but nothing happened.

Sid took the pen from her and waggled it with his power. At the same time, Nehali came along with her friends and sat aside exactly where Sid was wagging the pen. Some drops of ink splattered on Nehali's form. Of course, when she realized it, she stood up and screamed at him. "Gosh! You spilled ink on my application idiot."

Unknowable for what he had done, Sid was horrified to see that he made a mess. Creeps chilled his spine, and its effect appeared on his face.

"Oh my God! How am I gonna deal with this."

Sid thought in the next moment, she will grab his collar and take him to the principal office, but good she didn't do that. Bombarded with thoughts of getting suspended, Sid stood motionless. He wished to say sorry, but words came out from his mouth. Yesterday he'd spilled her soup and today her form. Fantastic! She must be hating him like anything.

"Hey, I'm talking to you. Are you deaf as well?" Nehali snapped her finger near Sid's face; her other hand rested on her hip. And the snap of fingers did snap Sid out of his reverie.

"I'm, I'm, I'm extremely sorry. It happened by chance, I-I didn't mean it," he stuttered.

"You have to come with me. And you have to get me out of this shit." Nehali's rage transformed into tears, and it cascaded on her cheeks, but she wiped it off and said, "If I didn't get another form, then I will complain about you to the Principal."

Sid agreed to come along with Nehali; her friends also followed her to the office room.

As they came to the ground floor, Nehali and her friends stood in the queue to have another form because still some girls were waiting to get theirs. Sid stood aside from the line. Most of the time, he was looking down; don't know why maybe he was feeling guilty.

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