Chapter 4 - Temptation

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Sid woke up to the noise of children playing in the courtyard. He pulled himself up with his elbows to lean back on the bed. He was wide awake, and just like the air brings along fragrance, his mind carried the emotion of the last dream scene.

In his dream, the entire world turned into rotoscopic animation as in Yellow Submarine film. He was jamming with his buddies—It's All Too Much by The Beatles. He was on the lead vocal, Ravi was playing the guitar, Sahil was on the drums, and Raj was backing vocals, creating feedback guitar sound. This fictional rock band traveled across the world in split seconds with the power of psychedelia.

One particular scene, however, stuck inside his mind. He was standing alone on a bald mountain peak, gazing the orange sky. An image of a young man hold flute appeared out of nowhere in the sky and slowly kept on getting bigger and bigger. His bluish color mixed with the orange sky boasted of an eye-popping visual feast. 

What a wonderful view!

The mind-altering experience washed over him again. He could feel it, but the psychedelic components were no longer fiddling with his perception of reality.

He felt a nearly desperate urge to have that whatever drug one more time.

Wait, no! Snap out of it, Sid. Embarrassment and guilt flooded his heart. How can you feel tempted, Mr. Spiritual Man?

Aha! So all those big talks were just words, no substance. Hypocrite!

Little did he know, but all this self-deprecation brought him back to his senses. Now he could get his head straight and think why party animals feel sick after a hangover. The faster you go up, the quicker you come down.

The temptation makes you take more and more drugs and get high again, then down you go, and up you go high for sometime. It goes on and on and on.

Damn! Give me a break, Sid blinked away his cycle of thoughts.

The guilt was still there within his heart for sure, but a fact calmed his heart that it was an accident. It was mischief of that idiot boy, Sahil. 

A question, however, wafted through his mind like clouds. What makes people have drugs? There has to be a cultural aspect for all this psychology. The boy grilled his conscience and came up with three reasons.

The first category of the people may do drugs are the ones who want to get rid of the pain. The boy could think of some instances where a person lost everything, such as family, friends, wealth, fame, name, and whatnot. Mr. Soddi was a classic example who fits in the first category.

The second category, however, might be the people who are trying to unburden themselves from peer pressure, anxiety, workload, and whatnot.

Now the big question haunted his mind was about third category people, who don't have miserable lives, peer pressure, stress, yet they do drugs, presumably young generation. No doubt they belong to a well-to-do family, but what in the world compels them to do drugs?

Sid beat his brains out over this issue, but the missing link to the answer didn't pop up in his head. He still couldn't decide if smoking marijuana, cocaine, Hookah, or anything, right or wrong?

And yes, those people who love doing drugs would snap back with retorts like my choice, my rules. Who the hell are you to tell me what should I do with my life? How would you make sense to this instant generation who got no conscience left in them? Don't think, just do it, bruv.

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