Chapter 50 - The Story's Not Over Yet

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Most of the people treat spirituality as shock-absorber in their life. All this time Sid discovered a different way he calls it as pro-active spiritual seeking. Why not seek answers even when questions don't bother you?

Bhakti is all about application of mind, body, and soul towards the Supreme. Selflessly devoting oneself to the Divine without expecting anything in return. In a modern sense, we call it true love. They say true love doesn't exist. Yes, it doesn't because it exists only in bhakti yoga.

Days and months passed like the blink of an eye for Sid. Joy and peace never have visited his mind and stayed in it all his life. How can there be an absence of transcendence when your heart is Krishna's residence?

Today was Sunday, which means time to meet Braja and badger him with questions. It was hard for him to believe how Braja became an integral part of his life just in short span of time. You see, some people make you feel at home. For Sid, Braja was a spiritual mentor, a counselor, role model and an inspiration. Most importantly, a friend who's always there for you. Hear you when nobody's listening. Lifts your spirits up when everybody's looking down upon you.

Sid's eyes brimmed slightly with tears as he was thinking about it. Recently Braja provided him with unique perceptive towards different outlook on life. Sid used to think if one has become spiritual, then cutting oneself off from material surrounding is a must. The Himalayas is the only way. Braja, an urban monk, proved him wrong.

"To live in the Himalayas is unnatural," Braja had said, "We have to be in this world, but not of this world. Bhakti yoga holds that the material world is the energy of God, and it ought to be used in His service. If anything in this world is disconnected from Him. That's Maya, the illusion."

Lately Sid has been showered with backlash from his family and friends. Family believes it's too early for him to become spiritual. Friends say what's got into you, man. You're missing out so many things in life.

It's been a challenge to deal with such taunts. But hey, I'm not going to the Himalayas, okay? Not anymore.

He spoke with Braja regarding this issue, who grew serious, his face dripped in concern. "Initially we may have 'we versus them' mentality, but as we grew spiritually, we should develop 'brother in other' attitude."

Sid passed through the security check at the entrance and stepped inside the temple: a flush of excitement come over him. As he reached Youth Forum, he caught sight of Braja doing mantra meditation. He looked tired, but a faint smile on his lips always brought freshness to his face.

Visiting temple and this youth forum became like second home to Sid. He crashed on the couch and relaxed his body, left leg over his right one, hands behind the neck. He didn't think to create any disturbance so he tried to kill the time as quietly as he could.

A moment later, Braja opened his eyes slowly only to hear Sid's questions coming at him in super-sonic speed. How much time does it take to have full control of our senses? If God is the cause of all causes, then who is the cause of God? Is God the supreme controller how come we have free will? If human's soul has a human shape, does animal's soul has an animal shape?

Braja found it a bit less courtesy to ask questions directly without asking a person's well-being. Answering questions, however, was his job. Isn't he become a monk to answer people's query? On the brighter side, Sid always asks him profound spiritual questions. In his decade of being a monk, mostly people pester him with relationship questions. Like seriously questioning a monk how to save a marriage?

One apparent fact, though, stood before him like the great wall of China. Sid's spiritual inclination is extraordinary, the rarest thing to find in this day and age. "So, does that answer all your question?" Braja said after answering all questions that Sid asked.

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