Chapter 52 - Under Their Thumb

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Why do people change with time?

The question was upsetting Sid deeply. Well, he knew the spiritual explanation of it unlike before, thanks to the wisdom-tradition that he joined. But still, something within him was not ready to decipher the reality philosophically.

He had made up his mind that he won't think about Prakash and his gang. He tried, but the intention of Prakash sent a chill down his spine whenever his mind thought about it. Gosh! What could've happened to that guy? Once he prided himself calling a Hindu nationalist, now what left of him is unthinkable.

Sid reached into his pocket and took off his phone. Prakash debates, he searched on YouTube. In an instant, the mobile screen filled with videos of Prakash debating with different individuals. Sid's eyes doubled in size to see few videos with million views. One video with the title, "Prakash destroys a Krishna devotee," caught his interest.

A creepy feeling rose within his heart—it restrained him to see the video but not for long—he tapped on the screen and watched how Prakash raised infuriating allegations on Lord Krishna's life. The devotee (who supposed to answer) stood like a clueless person without even trying to address any of the claims. Sid couldn't do anything but groan because the video gotten over five hundred thousand views, eight thousand likes, and of course with loads of favorable comments.

Offended people spit out shit about Prakash for insulting Lord Krishna and Hinduism in comments. Prakash did reply to hate comments from his YouTube channel. "It's my freedom of speech. Why so much intolerance? I'm not against one religion. I'm against all of them. You guys are protecting your religions by cussing me, my mother and sister? Wow, I didn't know religions teach this too. Great, got more points to expose religious people."

Thousands gave thumbs up of this comment.

Why he became like this? Sid felt terrible, a throe of agony made his throat dry to see how people were enjoying that video. Not because he was offended, but he felt powerless to raise his voice because he knew less will pay attention to his "freedom of speech."

He wanted to know what changed Prakash; he could imagine something terrible must've happened to him. Maybe Stan made him like this? Does his guru betray him? The answer seemed far-fetched, only if Prakash tells it.

Sid parted his lips and took a shaky breath, brushing his hand through his hair. At this point, however, he has a different thing worry. Such as getting selected in top twenty-five debaters.

Sponsors, this time, came up with a unique idea to choose the best. They said, "Give us your short video, elaborating your philosophy, and we'll upload it to our official YouTube channel. Viewers will watch your video and decide whether you deserve a place in top twenty-five or not."

Sure, democracy rocks.

Several heads nodded at this proposal (because there were firm shreds of evidence that the previous competition). So, Sid was waiting for the result. A voice of excitement kept on saying: Will I win? Or lose?

Minutes later, a projector screen stood before everyone like a white paper. Sid took a glimpse of it now and then. His mind was popping with negative prompts. What if nobody notices your video? What if they hate you? What if they misunderstand your words? But there were positive prompts as well. It's your time to shine, Sid.

Only to his despair, the screen remained colorless, toying with his anticipation. He stood staring the screen, arms folded across his chest.

"What philosophy did you give in the video?" Ravi said with a furrowed brow as he glanced at the anxiety-ridden face of his best friend. "You seem nervous, dude."

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