Chapter 2: Jakayla

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•Patrick's POV•
The moment she came through that door I knew she would faint or scream. It looks like she did the first one though.
"So... What's her name?" Pete asks Annabelle Flack.
"That is Jakayla Ann. She came here when she was one month old. So did Abigail."
Pete replies, "My mom liked that name. She said if she ever had a daughter again, she would name her Jakayla."
"Pete, the nice lady doesn't want to hear your sappy family story," Joe snaps.
I see her stir and I hear a moan.
"Ugh. My head," she mumbles.
"Hey, Pete. Quit hitting on her and come here. I think Jakayla is waking up."
•Jakayla's POV•
I hear someone say, "I think Jakayla is waking up."
I think to myself, "Why does the nice man with the fedora... O! M! G! It's Patrick Stump! And Pete Wentz! And Joe Truhman! And Andy Hurley!"
"Hi there."
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" I scream. "You are Fall Out Boy! You guys are one of my favorite bands!!"
"What other bands do you like?" Andy asks.
As I calm down, I say, "My Chemical Romance (before they broke up), Panic! At The Disco, Paramore, and Green Day."
"Alright. Well now that you are calm and awake. I will leave you four boys to question her," Ms. Annabelle Flack explains.
"Thank you, Annabelle," Pete says with a wink.
"So, how long was I out?"
"About two minutes," Joe tells me.
"How old are you, Jakayla?" Patrick asks me.
"I am 16 years old. I'll be 17 in September."
They keep asking me questions, like how tall are you, what's your favorite color, what's your favorite song, and what color are your hair and eyes. I reply with 5' 1 1/4", red, What A Catch, Donnie or This Is Gospel, and blonde and blue.
Pete asks me, "What are your parents' names?"
The guys yell, "PETE!"
"What? I'm curious!"
"It's okay guys. Sorry, Pete. I don't know their names. I was only a month old when Ms. Flack found us on the doorstep."
The door swings open. "Okay. Jakayla, come with me and let the boys make their decisions."
"Alright Ms. Flack. Goodbye, Andy, Joe, Patrick, and Pete."
"Goodbye, Jakayla!" They shout.
•Pete's POV•
"Guys? Is it me or does she look like my mom?"
"It's not just you. I see it too," Patrick replies.
"I think you two are losing your minds," Andy says.
"Well all minds aside. Who are we choosing?" Joe perks up.
"I am choosing Abigail Rose," Patrick decides.
"I have to go with Jakayla," I decide.
"Well now that you two have chosen. Let's go tell Annabelle!" Joe shouts as he rushes out of the door.

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