Chapter 1

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When Mildred was born, she had the name Hecate Hardbroom in purple on her right shoulder. When her mother saw it, she thought it was alright for her daughter to have a female soulmate. Julie told Mildred about her soulmate and told her to keep it covered when growing up. She knew people wouldn't understand about two female soulmates since there weren't many of them around.

Hecate was talking to Ada Cackle in the staff room with all the other teachers when they saw a yellow glow going around Hecate's right wrist. When the glow went, she pulled up her sleeve on her right wrist, and it showed Mildred Hubble in turquoise meaning, that her soulmate had just been born. Hecate was surprised to see a name on her wrist. She knew the other teachers saw, so she just did a small smile and covered her wrist back up with her sleeve.

Julie told Mildred about the name on her shoulder when she had turned 13 years old. She knew at that age her daughter would understand now that she was a bit older. One morning Mildred was painting her picture of a castle, not knowing that her soulmate was there. When Mildred's mother woke up, she told her she wanted to find her soulmate, but Julie told her, "Wait for a bit, my dear. I'm sure you will find her one day. I know you will." Mildred just nodded her head and went back to what she was doing.

Mildred walked around with her friends, Olivia Franks and Isabella Phillips, when a car came flying around the corner and hit Mildred on her left side when she was crossing the road. Mildred's friends Olivia and Isabella went and got help while the car just sped away. Hecate was talking to the teachers and Ada while they were waiting for the term to start when she felt this massive pain go through her whole body. She couldn't help but cry out in pain.

Ada and the teachers ran to Hecate when she fell to the floor because of the pain, she lifted her sleeve and saw that her soulmates name was in red and knew what it had meant, her soulmate was hurt and she couldn't do anything about it. She didn't know what she looked like or where she was. After the pain left her body, Hecate got up off the floor with Ada's help and left the room with Ada following her. When they got to her room, they just sat down, staring into space, hoping her soulmate was okay.

When Julie arrived after Mildred's friends got her, the ambulance put Mildred in the back, with a mask over her face. Julie jumped into the ambulance with her daughter while they raced to the hospital. The police talked to Mildred's friends Olivia and Isabella, but they weren't noticing because they were worried about Mildred, so their parents just took them home.

When Mildred and her mother got to the hospital, they had to take her into surgery to fix her left leg quickly and her right arm, as they were both broken in four places. They also had to fix her lung on her left side. When she got hit by the car, it had broken two of her ribs, and one had punctured her lung. Her other ribs were just bruised; she had some cuts on her face, neck, and shoulders. Mildred got out of surgery and recuperated in one of the wards with her mother by her side.

Unknown to Julie Hubble, two of Mildred's nurses were witch's, Charlotte Winters, and Amelia Dallas. They were both good friends of Ada Cackle, and when they were helping Mildred get into a nightgown, they saw Hecate's name on her right shoulder. That night they flew to Cackles on their broomsticks and told Ada.

 "We have found Hecate's soulmate." Ada gasped and went to find Hecate. 

She found her in her potion's classroom.

 "Hecate, Charlotte, and Amelia are in my office, and they need to talk to you."  Ada said.

They left and went to Ada's office. When they got there, both Charlotte and Amelia put their hand on their foreheads.

"Well, met Hecate." They said. 

Hecate nodded at them both and did the same thing back to them. They all sat down in silence until Amelia looked at Hecate and said, "Hecate, we have found your soulmate, she is a 13-year-old girl, but at the moment she is in the hospital because of a hit and run, she was walking with her friends when a car came around the corner and hit her. She is in critical condition." Hecate was happy that her soulmate was safe but angry that she had been hurt. When they told her the car drove off after hitting her, she was furious at how someone could do that and drive away, not caring that they had hit a teenage girl.


Next chapter out later today

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