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First and foremost everything is not exactly like in the Boruto new generation manga and anime simply because I don't exactly like how the next generation turned out.

Boruto is actually good... on its own— but I wished some things were different so in this reaction fic—they'll be reacting to the future—BUT the future I imagine for the next generation.

So let me just list the things I changed up so if you don't like these changes you can just skip this fic.

1. Neji Hyuuga is alive. (I am devastated that we never will see an adult Neji and his life so I'll be giving my take on how Neji is in the future in this.)

2. Relation changes!

— Sakura will be married to Rock Lee!

I know "Why would you change Sakura and Sasuke???" Well in my opinion I feel as though Sakura should've had a character development where she still loved Sasuke but no longer in a romantic way seeing as though Sasuke treated her kind of awful and always pushed her away before he showed that he liked her. I feel as though at some point Sakura should've gave up on him. It would've been a good growth to her character as she moves on from the "childhood crush". Originally I was going to have her just be with a regular "nobody" Shinobi but thinking on it Lee and Sakura could've work. Sakura no longer loving Sasuke romantically would probably give Lee a shot so why not deluge in it.

— Sasuke.

Okay so then what about Sasuke? If he's not with Sakura then who? Karin?
God no. Karin is a Sakura 2.0 that I feel as though she shouldn't end up with Sasuke. For me I think Karin being single and focusing on herself in the future is better. (Yes single. Not dating Suigetsu cause I find them more endearing not being in a relationship)
Okay so who?
A random woman.
Yes. A random woman.
Some say Sasuke should've stayed single but like come on people this man wanted to restore his clan so bad that I think he would want a wife and kids to do just that. I like to think that during Sasuke's travels he meets a woman (shinobi or not) and they hit it off. Then the woman would move to Konoha and boom Uchiha clan is restored. lol.


Kiba will not have any children (No not even the honorary Wasabi.) But he will have a girlfriend. Girlfriend—not wife.
(I'm mentioning him cuz I don't even remember if there was any mention of him having a significant other in Boruto...)

— Tenten

Similar to Kiba. No kids but she has a significant other.


I'm bringing up Neji because I mentioned Tenten seeing as though some may be disappointed that there isnt Tenten x Neji.

Though I ship TentenxNeji i feel as though putting them together is just another forced together relationship that this Shonen loves to do. So I decided against it.

Neji will be married to a woman— not a Hyuuga but a random Anbu Shinobi and has a single child with her.A son.

I just think its fits under the circumstances of me deciding not to do TentenxNeji.

3. Kawaki will be in this.

Okay so I genuinely love Kawaki—like the dynamic of him in the Uzumaki family when he didn't start causing... problems.

So he will be in this but nothing that happens in the manga will be in here. Cuz I genuinely can't deal with it.

4. That's it.


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