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The screen fades to black and the names appear.


Ino looks at the names. "Yamanaka... he took my last name?"

Inojin is walking with ChoCho as they head towards what appears to be a flower shop. Upon opening the door a woman turns around and smiles.

"Welcome in— Oh Inojin, ChoCho it's you!"

The woman was Ino.

Sakura mouth drops as Tenten whoops, "Wow Ino you really had a glow up!"

Ino smiles, sticking her nose in the air as she giggles.

"Hi mom." Inojin smiles. "We have a question."

Ino raises an eyebrow as he places a flower in a pot by the window.


"You know the Kazekage right?"

Ino shrugs. "Of sorts. If anything Lord Hokage would know more."

Inojin shakes his head. "Hm but do you know why his son would get upset with us?"

Ino raised an eyebrow. "Lord Kazekage's son? Shikamaru mentioned him before... Well, did you say something to upset him?"

ChoCho takes a step. "All we did was ask questions about his dad. I asked if he was crazy in fighting as I hear—"

"You what?!" Ino yells so loud it leaves a ringing echo.

"Ouch." Shikamaru covers his ears. "Loud mouth."

Ino tsks and kicks Shikamaru's shin.

"Sorry—Sorry. But..." Ino pales and sweats. "That's a—well a very sore topic. Where did you even hear that?"

"Some of the other kids brung it up once." ChoCho tries.

Ino sighs, running her fingers through her hair. "You two better apologize to Lord Kazekage's son when you see him again!"

ChoCho crosses her arms. "But why?"

"See they didn't know!" Ino yells at Sakura.

Sakura sighs. "Yeah... I guess."

"Just do it!" Ino snaps before calming herself. "Look... You shouldn't just throw around crazy fighting or however you kids say it these days to just anyone. Some people have... pasts... and may not understand how you say some things."

Ino sighs. "Kid probably thought you brought that up—insulting his father."

Inojin mouth drops. "Insulting?! But all ChoCho said was he was crazy like wasn't he knocking out hundreds in the war? He was said to be insanely strong!"

Ino groans. "What I'm talking about is something that happened way before the war!"

"War?!" Naruto yells.

"What are they talking about..." Tenten frowns.

"There was a war?"

"Before the war...?"

Ino nods. "Not my place to say anything though!" She crosses her arm.
"Now I expect you to apologize!"

"Even though we don't know what we are apologizing for?"

"Even if you don't know what you're apologizing for!" Ino nods.

ChoCho sighs. "Yeah okay."

The screen cuts out.

"That was so short!" Kiba yells.

"Hey at least those two will apologize now!" Lee smiles.

Ino nods and sweat drops. "Yeah..."

The screen turns white.

"Oh! Here we go!" Kiba yells.

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