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Chapter 3 — TEMARI

The screen fades to black then in hold letters the name is shown.


"Huh Shikamaru is right." Sakura comments.

Choji shrugs. "When is he never right?"

The screen shows a close up to a letter in someone's hand. Then it slowly pans up to a woman with blonde hair and green eyes that scans the paper.

"Woah Temari you're gorgeous!" Tenten says and a few others hum in agreement.

A moment later her face lights up and she turns around. "My brothers are coming to visit!"

"When?" A man's voice is heard.

"They're heading off tomorrow so... in three days!"

"Who's the other guy there?" Sakura asks.

"A husband?" Tenten shrugs, turning to Temari. "Got any clue?"

Temari looks at Tenten like she's dumb. "Really?"

"Oh right—"

The scene changes to Kankuro, Gaara, and Shinki walking up to the entrance of gates. A shinobi out front steps to stop them until he lays eyes on Gaara.

"Ah Lord Kazekage! I was sent notice of your arrival today. Welcome back to Konoha!"

Gaara nods and together with Shinki and Kankuro they walk into the gates of Konoha.

"Woah! Look how Konoha has changed!" Naruto yells.

Lee nods. "It looks advanced! Though they're going to Konoha! So Temari lives in Konoha now?"

Tenten nods. "Seems like it. Though is it temporary or...?"

The scene changes to Temari knocking on a door. "Shikadai are you up?"

"Oh Shikadai!" Sakura exclaims and a few others share their wonder for who it is since he was mentioned.

Temari was met with silence. She frowns and knocks again.


When there was no response she huffs and grabs the door knob and swings the door open. "Shikadai."

The screen moves to where they can see inside the room. It was a bedroom and in the far right is a bed. The camera focuses and in the bed is an obvious person under the covers. The shades were still drawn, dimming the room significantly.

Temari walks towards the window pushing the curtains to brighten the room which causes the boy in the bed to groan and pull the blanket over his face.

Temari then walks over to the bed with her hands on her hip. "Shikadai."

The boy only groans and pulls the blanket up.

Temari clicks her tongue, grabbing the blanket and yanking it. "Shikadai."

As if the gears finally started working the boy snaps up right on the door with his eyes practically still shut and his hair disheveled. "I'm up."

"It's a kid."

"It's got to be her son!" Ino shouts.

Temari lets the blanket go and looks down at the boy. "Start getting ready, your uncles and cousin are arriving today."

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