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The screen turns black and in bold letters a name appears.


"Huh? So we can also see things about the kids?" Tenten asks.

Choji nods. "Seems like it."

"But why!" Kankuro's voice is heard then the screen shows Kankuro by the door with Temari in front of him and Shikamaru a bit ways outside the door.

"Because my husband finally has a day off of work and I would like to spend the afternoon with my husband."

Kankuro frowns. "Okay but can't you make Gaara watch them?!"

Temari gives Kankuro a look. "Gaara is getting ready to start heading back to Suna. You know he can't stay for long. Plus you're only watching Shinki and Shikadai for a few hours! They're old enough to listen just fine!"

"You've got to be kidding me! I've resorted to becoming the family babysitter!" Kankuro groans.

"Ha! Imagine!" Kiba laughs.


"Yes seriously! Now we're leaving." Temari turns around and looks over her shoulder. "Bye boys!"

"Bye mum."

"Bye Aunt Temari."

Once the door closes Kankuro groans before he turns to Shinki and Shikadai. "Okay since your parents aren't here I'm in charge of you! And today you'll do nothing but sit still and behave—"

"Can we go out with my friends?" Shikadai cuts Kankuro off.


"My friends."

Kankuro leans forward. "What part of doing nothing don't you get?!"

Shikadai frowns and Shinki blinks. They both share a look then simultaneously say: "Don't be lame, uncle."

Kankuro looks down at them with his face twitching in annoyance.

Kiba and Naruto laugh. "Yeah don't be lame, uncle!"

Kankuro turns around. "Shut up you two!"

A few others join in laughing.

"You— I can't stand you two!" Kankuro runs a hand over his face. "What—where friends?"

Shikadai raised an eyebrow. "Where friends?"

Kankuro groans. "No—What—What friends?!"

Shikadai shrugs. "Inojin and ChoCho."

Kankuro shakes his head. "I don't even know why I asked I don't even know them— Whatever go—go—"

Shikadai and Shinki didn't even wait before they rushed towards the front door.

Kankuro rushes behind them. "Just be back before five!"

Shinki is out the door and Shikadai looks back at Kankuro. "Yeah, Yeah, thanks you're the best, uncle!"

Shikadai closes the door.

Kankuro blinks then groans. "Kids."

"I can't believe you just let them go like that!" Temari looks at Kankuro angrily.

Kankuro groans. "Yeah, yeah okay— It looks bad."

"More than bad!"

Shikadai and Shinki are walking in Konoha's streets. Shinki's eyes were wandering around looking at everything as Shikadai led a bit ahead of his cousin.

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