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You can skip this chapter and go on to the reactions.

Also sorry for any grammar and writing mistakes. I wont be beta reading this fic... cause it's wattpad. I know.

Anyways on with the fic.

In the distant land of Konoha, Sakura sprints around the village looking for Naruto. Her eyes drift from left to right rapidly but she can't find the loud blonde anywhere.

"Urgh!" Sakura groans and walks to a nearby stone platform and sits. "Where is everybody?!"

There's a rustle of a cloak that draws her attention and snaps her head in the direction. A figure is walking down the street wearing a white cloak. Sakura couldn't tell who it was, the hood shades in most of their face, and dread knots in the pit of her stomach.

Sakura watches as the figure gets closer to her. She hopes that the person would just walk past her, that this feeling is just a false alarm. She almost laughs at herself. Her intuition is never wrong. She doesn't drop her guard down.

The figure stops directly infront of Sakura, here Sakura can see the pale skin of the person's nose down to their chin.

"Sakura Haruno."

Sakura lowers her head and stares up at the individual through her lashes.

"Is that you?"

Sakura slowly lifts herself up a bit, her legs tensing in case she needs to move quickly. "Who's asking?"

The person lifts their head up and Sakura freezes. "A friend."

Blue eyes and three lines on the cheek. It looks exactly like Naruto—but Sakura knew, she knew it wasn't. That was her mistake. Freezing and showing recollection of the face the intruder bore.

In seconds Sakura tries to jump away as a large white swirl is thrown in her direction. Almost as if it followed her and grew bigger Sakura was engulfed in the white, her mind drew a blank and the only thing she remembers hearing is: "Don't be alarmed."

Sakura gasps awake and her eyes take moments to focus.

"She's awake!"

Sakura snaps her head to find Tenten hovering over her left.

"What—What happened?" Sakura turns her head and finds more people—her friends. And some not.

"I... No idea. We were all just—just here." Tenten clears her throat. "One by one we were—almost like—teleported here."

Sakura heaves. "There was someone! Some intruder—something—but he looked exactly like Naruto! He caught me off guard!"


Sakura turns her head. Shino stands in the far right with his head lowered. "So I'm not the only one to get that. For me it looked like Shikamaru."

"Seriously?" Shikamaru groans.

"The only one...?"

Lee raises his hand, "Yes! See for me I was running my laps when suddenly there was a white flash! Then boom here I am!"

"So it's different for everyone." A sand ninja says. When Sakura looks over she realizes it's Temari.

"That's right. Sorry about that."

A voice echoes through the room and everyone is up on their feet.

"The hell was that!"

Sakura turns her head and she lets out a sigh of relief. It was Naruto. Sakura looks around the room and finally starts to recognize everyone in the room.

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