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The screen fades black then in bold letters a name forms.


"Great, we're with Shikamaru! We won't know who it is!" Kiba groans.

"Idiot." Shino mutters.

Kiba eyes narrow. "What?"

The Hokage building is shown before the scene turns inside the Hogake's office. There the screen focuses on two figures in the office. An older looking Shikamaru is by the Hogake's desk and a blonde, older Naruto sits in the seat on the opposite side of Shikamaru.

"Huh?! Why is Naruto sitting on the Hokage's chair?" Kiba leans forward.

"Yeah!" Ino chimes in.

Naruto practically jumps off his seat. "I'm Hokage!"

"What! No way!" Kiba yells.

"Shikamaru and Naruto look good!" Tenten says earning a few looks. "What they do! Though it's weird seeing Naruto with such short hair."

"You've said it!"

"Hard to believe someone like you is Hokage." Sai adds into the frey.

Naruto glares at him. "Huhhh?!!"

"But Lord Hokage the mist village—"

Shikamaru is cut off by a knock on the door. He looks over his shoulder as Naruto calls out: "Come in."

The door slowly opens and Gaara steps inside the office. "Lord Hokage."

Naruto beams. "Gah—Gaara!"

Shikamaru sighs as he closes his eyes. Naruto clears his throat. "Hm— Lord Kazekage! Hem—Nice for you to stop by!"

Gaara looks on with an amused look and nods.

"Ha! Hokage!" Naruto yells while pointing at Kiba.

Kiba shakes his head in disbelief. "No way! How did you get to be Hokage!"

Almost everyone else looks on with shocked expressions.

Naruto sticks his nose up. "Because I'm the greatest!"

"Hphm." Sasuke huffs.

Naruto whips his head to the direction in which Sasuke and his three goons sit beside him. "Got something to say, Sasuke?!"

Sasuke glares at Naruto. "If Konoha chose you as Hokage then they must've been desperate."

Naruto teeth grind against each other. "What did you say?!"

"Would you two stop arguing, we're missing things!"

"Well please enjoy your stay here—oh and tell Kankuro and Shinki I said hi!" Naruto says.

Gaara nods. "Will do."

There's a moment of silence and just before Gaara gets to turn to leave, Naruto speaks up again. "Bring Shikamaru with you!"

Shikamaru's head whips towards Naruto. "Wait—what?"

"Go! Your in-laws are visiting! Go have a break!"

Shikamaru's eyes narrow, "You just don't want to listen to me! Seriously the mist village is—"

"Tell me later!" Naruto waves Shikamaru off.

"Lord Hokag—"

"Take it as an order!"

Shikamaru groans. "You're really using that card on me right now?"

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