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The screen fades to black then in bold letters a name appears.


"It's Gaara next!"

"We can finally see what he looks like!" Kiba adds.

There's a raging sand storm. Though it was dark in color and everything seems to be blurred together until it focuses on a figure walking through it. Again the camera shakes and focuses closely on the person. Gaara.

"What's going on?" Ino asks as she leans forward as if it'll clear up the screen.

"I don't—wait, look!" Tenten hurriedly says.

The camera pans and closes in on a small boy on the ground—the sand seemingly swirling around him. The boy looks up and it's a much younger Shinki.

"Hey it's Shinki!"

"Then is this some sort of training?" Sakura mutters.

On the other end of the seats Temari and Kankuro look worriedly at the screen. A feeling of deja vu washes over them. They glance at Gaara and notice a similar expression on Gaara's face.

Shinki tumbles up on his feet and slowly bends his knuckles and nails of iron forms in front of him then around him and Gaara. He looks confused, angered.

Gaara looks around at the shards then as they charge in sand flies out of Gaara's gourd and surrounds Shinki and him. Gaara bends and pulls Shinki close to his chest. Two of the iron shard's managed to square him on his back.

"This doesn't seem like a typical sparing." Tenten frowns.

"Because it's not," Gaara says, and it's the first time he actually spoke out.

Many look over to him but when he doesn't remove his eyes from the screen or continue to speak they all turn their attention back to the screen.

Shinki looks shocked then looks up at Gaara when the older man leans back to look down at the boy.

Shinki looks so small at the moment as Gaara starts to speak offering Shinki help and hand to teach him how to control what it is he can do.

Shinki blinks when Gaara asks his name then slowly says, "Shinki."

"Wait what? I'm not understanding!" Kiba groans.

"Obviously Gaara is taking Shinki in. Idiot." Shino mumbles.

"So Shinki is not his kid?" Kiba questions then shakes his head. "But Kankuro's video—"

"There's something called adoption, dumbass!" Ino butts in.

The screen fades black.

Kiba mouth drops. "What the hell! that's it?!"

The screen fades into a screen with the Kazekage tower.

Kiba blinks. "Oh."


A scene of the Kazekage tower is shown before it blends into the Kazekage's office. It shows Shinki again by the desk leaning on it with a bored look as she scans the papers that are being slid by him.

"Geez all that paperwork!" Naruto complains.

"That's what the Kages have to do, idiot! Don't you want to be Hokage?!" Sakura crosses her arms.

Naruto's face pales.

The screen pans up and sitting there is Gaara, obviously older with his hair a bit disheveled but styled in a side part. He looks tired—anyone could tell but he was doing a good job at keeping himself composed.

"You look like you need a vacation." Kiba points at the screen.

Shinki picks up his head. "Father, when will we visit Aunt Temari."

Gaara glances over to Shinki. "You saw your aunt just the other day."

"It's not the same when she comes to report to you then leaves by the end of the day."

There's a moment of silence.

"We'll see her this week."

Shinki pushes himself away from the desk with a nod then hurries out of the office, almost bumping into Kankuro on the way out.

"Morning Uncle."

"Morning" Kankuro says but Shinki was already down the hall.

"What was that about?" Kankuro asks as he closes the door behind him.

Gaara is silent for a second as he places another paper on top of a stack pile. "In two days we'll be visiting Temari."

Kankuro raised a brow. "Seriously? Let the kid convince you?"

"There was no convincing—"

"Yeah 'cause he can just say a word once and you'll go running—"

The screen cuts off just as sand was sent flying towards Kankuro.

Kiba and Naruto burst out laughing.

"You totally just got yourself handed to you!"

Kankuro huffs, folding his arms. "Whatever."

Temari looks over to Gaara. "I didn't think you'd be that type of father."

Gaara glances at Temari. "What?"

Temari snickers. "The spoiling kind."

Gaara doesn't respond and Temari tries to stop her laughing.

The screen lights up white.

"Ooo! What's next?!"

"Seeing how it's been going, it must be Temari next." Shikamaru says.

Ino hums. "You're probably right."

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