Chapter 15

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'Ab aeterno ab invito'

From Eternity, From Unwillingness

"Where did you go?" Tom asks, his face devoid of emotion as he leant against the door frame. Hadrian grabbed a bowl from the table and filled it with water before summoning a cloth and wetting his face and neck. 

"I just went out." 

"We've talked about this," Tom growls, prowling forward, prodding Hadrian in the side roughly, earning himself a glare. Hadrian bites back a retort he would regret and washes his hands, grabbing a dry towel to wipe the water off. "With people hounding our asses you have to tell me where you're going-" 

"You are not my mother," Hadrian bites back. Vanishing the stuff he'd used and grabbing his coat from the back of his chair. 

"No, I'm your boyfriend and it's my job to make sure you don't recklessly injure yourself or put yourself in danger," Tom snarls back, grabbing Hadrians shoulder. "What the hell is wrong with you today?" Hadrian glares down at Tom and Ekkathion chirps from the fake tree where their owls are also sat. 

"Nothing," he snaps. Tearing bread from the loaf as he walks to the study, chewing on it as he avoids Tom. 

"Don't be a coward Black." Hadrian spun around- ready to defend himself only for Tom to kiss him on the lips, stealing the words from his tongue and when Tom pulled back, raised a brow. "Ready to talk like an adult now?" 

Hadrian really wanted to throw a rock at Tom's head- 

"Fighting brother?" Orion asks, walking in from the front door, covered in black leather. "He was out with me Riddle. He's just... fired up." Orion smirks, waltzing past them and Hadrian now wanted to throttle his brother. 

"Hey you can't just-" he tries but Tom points at him, 

"You could have just said you went out with Orion." 

"You would have asked where, when- what for- you're the most over protective man I know," Hadrian growls, pulling his gloves off. 

"You know other men?" Tom asks in amusement. "Shocking." Hadrian rolls his eyes, tossing his gloves onto the hallway stand and knew the elves would pick it up later. 

"It's just people getting on my nerves," Hadrian mutters, rubbing his wrists. "Nothing more nothing less." Tom looks at him with a blank face for a moment. 

"Who did you go out to meet?" 

"Dumbledore, briefly."  He checks he has his wand and twists the Gaunt family ring around his finger- Tom having outright given it to him as a promise- but also unknowing of what it was. "He didn't have the news I wanted to hear." 

"Mhm. No sightings of Grindelwald yet." 

"Not yet. He disappeared." A snake slithered past and he watches in amusement as Nagini slithers by. "What have you been working on." 

"I have been researching Mactator and all the things we know about," Tom says wryly. "They are kind of public enemy number one." Hadrian gives Tom a grunt, moving to the study. "You're supposed to be helping." 

Mactator was public enemy number one. Hadrian's enemy was a lot more powerful. Still, he'll help take down an organisation that murdered incessantly. 

"Maybe tomorrow," he responds, moving to the study. "They won't be successful anyways." 

"There's that absolute certainty I wanted to hear," Tom says wryly, following behind him and when he pushed the door open in the study- 

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