Chapter 5

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"I need a favor." Five says as I enter the car, slamming the door behind me. 

"A favor?" I ask. "Why would I-"

"Fine. A deal. I need-" he cuts short. "I need you to act as a guardian."

"A guardian, huh?" I smirk. "Wittle Five needs mommy to hold his hands while going to the doctor's office?" Five shoots me such a glare that I stop. "Sorry. For what though?"

"This." He brings out something from his pockets. A round, prosthetic eye. I wait for an explanation. 

"Well do you expect me to go full-on Sherlock Holmes and figure it all out by myself or are you going to tell me?'

"Well-" he starts. "Shit. It's Vanya." He pushes me down the seats, hiding me from the view and hops out of the car. I roll my eyes but stay put.

"'re right....time travel...mess up mind...." After a few moments, Five goes right into the car and sighs.

"What's that about?"

"I told her. I thought that, after our conversation, it would be reasonable to tell others about it as well. Told the first person I thought I could trust on."

"And she told you time travel can mess up your mind?"

"See? You can Sherlock Holmes it yourself. Now cut the conversation. We're wasting time."

I sigh and pull the car out of the driveway. "You know, that's kind of the problem with Vanya. She's sweet, kind, always believe the best in things even when they're not the best."

Five sighs. "No talking when driving."


"So I just walk in and pretend I'm your legal guardian?"


"And you think they'll give you information about an eye of a patient which is confidential and illegal?"

"It's a try."

I scoff. "Your plan has a big, gigantic hole in it. Why would I give them reason to give information to you? Just raid the place. You can fricking teleport."

"Thought of that as well. Did it last night, actually. I don't know where or how the records are organized and I can't access them through computers so this is the last shot I got. Trust me, asking you is a last resort."

We walk into the building and I have another idea.

"What about you just threaten-"

"Will this make you shut up?" Five asks, handing out a 20 dollar note.

"Yup." I say happily as I shove the money into my pocket.

We take the stairs and climb our way up(we can't be stuck in the same place with each other) but I stop in my track. The record room. I pull Five's arm to the place and shove my hand inside my pocket, rummaging around.

"What are you doing?" Five asks.

"Medical degree. Remember? I know how the records are kept." I struggle until I find a familiar shape. "Found it." I take out the lockpick and place it inside the keyhole and start rummaging around.

"You know what? I'm not even going to ask."

The door opens smoothly with a click and we enter the room. 

The space is filled with cabinets and sheets of paper are tossed to the side in every corner. Dusty computers lie to the side like discarded pieces of trash and muddy footprints lie on the ground.

I whistle. "That's even messier than Klaus's bedroom." I take a step forward but Five stops me. "What?"

"This doesn't make sense. I raided this place yesterday. The record room should be cleaned up by now. They had so many customers this morning..."

"Maybe it's a decoy?" I suggest sarcastically. "Maybe they're part of a secret black prosthetic market."

He looks at me.

"Can you not tell the difference of honesty and sarcasm?"

"Sarcasm is honesty in a way."

How to Kill Time (Reader x Five Hargreeves)Where stories live. Discover now