Chapter 8

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"She's not just some vacuum cleaner you can throw in a closet!" Diego shouts.

"Diego-" I start.

"She feels things! I've seen it!" he shouts, ignoring me. Tears start to well up in his eyes and he turns around to leave. I grab his wrists and glare at him.

"You really want to do this?"

"Do you?" he asks, pressing a knife to my throat. I look at him, unflinching.

"Y/N just let him go. He's not worth it." I hear Luther say. I release my grasp and Diego exits, rubbing his wrists.

"Well, that sure went well." Klaus mutters. "A nice, calm conversation."

"What is wrong with all of you?" Luther shouts demandingly.

"What is wrong with us? What is wrong with you Number 1?" I ask. "You are the one who's supposed to keep the team together but you are the one who started this fight. That's twice now, by the way. Wait. Three."

"Y/N. Calm down." Vanya says in her quiet voice.

"Nice and calm. Definitely nice and calm." I hear Klaus mutter.

A long silence fills the room.

"Guess we need to find Five for the vote to work." Allison remarks, glancing towards me.

"What? I couldn't find him." I say.

"Nothing." she says, a small smirk rising up her face.

"Oh, I hate that smile."


And the candle by the light of which she had been reading that book filled with anxieties, deceptions, grief and evil, flared up brighter than ever, lit up for her all that had once been in darkness, sputtered, grew dim, and-

The book slams in front of me and Diego's annoying face pops out of nowhere. I hiss, trying to find the page I was on. Diego takes the book away and squints as he tries to read the faded cover.

"The curtains and everything are closed. How do you read in here?"

"My eyes adjust to the dark." Diego stops trying to read the cover and instead stares at me. "What? It's not rocket science."

He raises an eyebrow. "Anna Karenina again?"

"No." I say defensively. He looks at me. "But I moved on from Oxford World's to Penguins though. Now, if you will excuse me, I would like to get onto my reading." I attempt to snatch the book away from Diego's hands but he swings it out of range and I groan.

"What do you want?"

"I heard from Allison a very interesting thing about you and Five."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask.

"For someone who met two days ago, you guys seem to hang around in your place a lot."

"What the fuck Diego?"


"Get out."

"I mean."

"I. said. get. out."

"Fine, sheesh." He throws the book in a way that I need to reach my arms out to catch.

"I thought you were good at aiming!" I shout at him

"And I thought you hated Five."

I grumble a string of swear words as I flip the tattered pages to find what I was reading.


After a few hours, I hear shouting and banging and I jerk up, rushing down the stairs to find what's going on.

"Vanya? Allison? Diego?" I shout as the stairs creak loudly below me. Silence. Footsteps.


A towel wraps around my neck from behind and I gasp, clawing at the piece of cloth. I try to turn bak and I see the child's mask the attacker is wearing. The assassins from the mall.

And darkness washes over me.

How to Kill Time (Reader x Five Hargreeves)Where stories live. Discover now