Chapter 10

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Five's pov

"Shit shit shit!" I shout as I run towards the building of Meritech prosthetics. Smoke rises from the roof and I stare at the burning, collapsing structure.

Then the world around me explodes and I fall back.


The world around me blurs as I take another swig of the bottle. I squint my eyes, trying to focus on the equations and my hands that surround the dusty chalk.

I told you to stop drinking. Dolores speaks in a reprimanding tone

"Yeah, well the booze is helping more than you are right now." My lips seem puffy and my voice comes out as slurs.

Why don't you look at Y/N for help then? Seems easy enough.

I groan. "Not you too."

No, seriously. She seems willing enough to help.

I glare at her.

"Willing, yes. Help? No."

What's your deal with her anyways?

"Nothing!" I snap. "That's the problem! Nothing's my deal with her but everyone's making a deal out of it!"

I don't like it when you drink. It makes you... surly

"When am I not?" I grumble. I throw the chalk on the ground and watch it snap in half and I giggle.

You are losing it. Go slower on the drink.

I take a large swig from the bottle and glare at Dolores

Or not. See where that ends up.

The world blackens.


Faint voices.

"Is he, um...?"

"Drunk as a skunk."


I giggle as Luther carries down the dark alley

"You know what's funny?" I ask, my voice slurring. "Aah! I'm going through puberty. Twice." I giggle again. "And I drank the whole bottle, didn't I? That's what you do when the world you love goes bye-bye. Poof, it's gone." I realize that they were talking before I was. "What are you guys talkin' about?"

"Two masked intruders attacked the academy last night. Any idea who they are?" Luther asks.

"Why is that my concern?" I ask, the world blurring at the edge of my eyes.

"They shot up the whole house, we barely got out alive, and they kidnapped Y/N." The name sounds familiar but I can't...exactly point out who it is...Y/n...y/n.


"They what?" I snarl as I straighten my back from Luther's grasp. He immediately lets me go to the ground and I glare at them.

"They shot up the academy and took Y/N." Diego replies. "Why are you so-"

He doesn't get to finish his sentence as I blink out from the alley.


I creep down the halls quietly as I try to find the room that was written on the scrap of paper on the van.

Y/N says hi

Then I hear it.


I blink into the room that I heard from and I see the faces of Hazel and Chacha, looming over a bleeding body. No no no no no that can't be- Then I see it. The police badge. I feel a strange relief. Not Y/n not y/n not y/n

Chacha begins to speak. "So I guess you did decide to join us with a deal after all." She smirks. "At the expense of a person's life." I scan the room as I try to spot Y/N and I see her, huddling in a corner. I look into her Y/e/c eyes and-

What the hell?

She isn't blindfolded?

But she could have-

"Actually-" I begin to speak, trying to stall them. "I came for something else."

"And what might that be?'

I smirk. "A reverse kidnapping." I lunge across the room to Y/N and blink out.

Y/N's Perspective

The van screeches as it lurch forward and I try to process what happened.


Number one, I got kidnapped by a bunch of assassins in cartoon masks and I have in hand a briefcase that they supposedly "need to take around everywhere."

Number two, I had the chance to escape but I didn't.

Number three, Five Hargreeves, of all people, saved me.

I don't notice that we're at the academy before the van lurches forward from the brakes.

Silence stretches through the air.

"Well?" Five seeths through his teeth.

I glare at him through my tiredness. "What?"

"Why the hell did you not blow their heads off? The fuck, Y/N? They weren't wearing their masks, you weren't blindfolded, and the last time I checked, you still had powers."

"I- I-"

I don't notice the tears in my eyes until they start to pour out one by one.

"You what? Just because you're degrading your life doesn't mean that others are!"

"What? It's not like you care if I live or die!" I snap. "I'm not your family that you came back for or the type of person you wanted to save! I am nothing! I don't care about myself and you don't either!"

"Yeah, well it's too bad I do care, isn't it?" Five shouts as he exits the car, slamming the door of the van behind him.

I sigh as I enter the academy and I rest the briefcase on the middle of the table.

"Ooh a briefcase." Klaus smacks his hands together. "Please let it be money..."




I know that the story is kind of progressing quickly but I've been feeling a little bit down lately and I can't focus on this book as much as before.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

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